Home ยป Hints to the West: how Putin showed that he would not use nuclear weapons

Hints to the West: how Putin showed that he would not use nuclear weapons

by alex

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin does not intend to use nuclear weapons in the war against Ukraine. He sent hidden signals to the West that it was necessary to negotiate with him, but on his terms.

Andrey Piontkovsky, a Russian publicist and opposition politician from the United States, spoke about this in a conversation with journalist Roman Tsymbalyuk, Channel 24 reports. According to him, Russia has suspended participation in the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Arms (DSNO – Channel 24), which refers to measures to further reduce and limit strategic offensive weapons. But in fact, this document does not spell out the possibility of “suspension”.

Putin will not use nuclear weapons

As Piontkovsky explained, immediately after this statement, Putin clarified that he was not going to increase the number of nuclear warheads. That is, in fact, nothing has changed with the “suspension” of this agreement.

Then Russia announced that the Americans were allegedly preparing to conduct nuclear tests. Therefore, the occupiers are ready to carry out similar measures if the United States takes this step. It is clear that this is nonsense.

The Americans have no intention of conducting nuclear tests. They have long mastered the computer technology for testing ammunition. In fact, Putin gave a signal to the West that he would not increase the number of nuclear missiles, and secondly, he would not conduct nuclear tests. – says Piontkovsky.

In his opinion, Putin tells one thing to his own people, and to the representatives of the West quite another. The last dictator shows that he is not a “nuclear maniac” and, in principle, is ready to negotiate. But he plunges into the absurd opinion that he cannot lose the war in Ukraine, because then there will be a catastrophe.

He wants to be talked to, and under no circumstances should he be allowed to lose. Because then Russia will collapse. Ukraine will reach its borders, and behind them there will be a territory with 11 time zones with a civil war and nuclear weapons. This is Putin's call. An important change in his concept, – said Piontkovsky.

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