Home » High-rise buildings destroyed and mines with people blocked: how Dnepropetrovsk region survived the shelling

High-rise buildings destroyed and mines with people blocked: how Dnepropetrovsk region survived the shelling

by alex

On October 10, Russian invaders launched a massive attack on Ukraine. The invaders fired 18 missiles in the Dnepropetrovsk region alone.

The head of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Council, Nikolai Lukashuk, spoke about this. He noted that 229 days of a full-scale invasion were terrible for the whole country.

The invaders killed four civilians in the Dnipropetrovsk region

Lukashuk said that on October 10, the Russians deliberately hit residential areas when people were going to work, and critical infrastructure facilities in order to cause as much damage as possible. In total, the invaders sent 18 missiles to the Dnepropetrovsk region, 5 of which were shot down by air defense forces. As a result of the shelling:

  • 4 people were killed,
  • 31 were injured.

According to the chairman of the DOR, 10 victims are in the hospital, 4 of them are in serious condition. 4 districts of the region were hit:

  • Dneprovsky,
  • Kamensky,
  • Nikopolsky,
  • Krivoy Rog.

In Dnipro, as a result of rocket attacks, more than 10 high-rise buildings, an enterprise building, about four dozen cars, a bus, a public transport stop, and several shops were damaged. Rescuers extinguished two fires,” Lukashuk noted.

In addition, the occupiers hit critical infrastructure, in particular in the Kamensky and Kryvyi Rih districts.

“In Kryvyi Rih, 30 thousand people were left without water, now the water supply has been restored. Some areas have been de-energized. At present, power engineers are still working , 11 thousand families are left without electricity,” Lukashuk said.

After enemy strikes and de-energization of part of Krivoy Rog, there were more than 850 miners underground in the mines, including women. Most of them have already been raised to the surface, but this process continues.

On the good news: two Shahed-136 kamikaze drones were shot down by air defense forces in Krivoy Rog, – said the chairman DOR.

In the Nikopol region, an enemy missile damaged an agricultural enterprise. Lukashuk noted that during the missile strikes, everyone worked as one mechanism – the military administration, heads of communities, employees of the State Emergency Service, law enforcement officers.

“This work does not stop even now. I am grateful to the rescuers, policemen, doctors, power engineers, public utilities workers, who today eliminated the consequences of enemy attacks, rescued the wounded – they did everything in their power to help the region. I am grateful to our military, who courageously hold “. defense and liberate the occupied territories,” the official added

He noted that Russia thinks that rocket attacks will be able to stop the advance of Ukrainian troops, so it resorts to terrorist attacks to pressure. However, Ukrainians are the only ones who are unbending and united.

“We will not back down. Today is proof of this. We will never forget and never forgive the aggressor a single crime. The barbarism committed by the Russian Federation will not go unpunished. Russian terrorists will be responsible for everything,” Lukashuk summed up.

The invaders massively attacked Ukraine

  • Representative of the National Police of Ukraine Maryana Reva said that as a result of massive shelling, a hit was recorded in Kyiv and 14 more regions of Ukraine.
  • The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that during the mass shelling, Russia used 84 cruise missiles and 24 drones, of which 13 were Iranian Shahid-136. Ukrainian air defense units managed to destroy 56 targets.
  • As of 21:42, it is known that 11 people were killed and another 64 civilians were injured as a result of terrorist attacks.

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