Home » Heroes Vitaliy Prokopchuk and Oleg Savitsky said goodbye in Rivne region

Heroes Vitaliy Prokopchuk and Oleg Savitsky said goodbye in Rivne region

by alex

Two heroes were taken on their last journey in the Rivne region/Photo from Vitaliy Koval's telegram

In the Luhansk region, two defenders Vitaliy Prokopchuk and Oleg Savitsky gave their lives for Ukraine. On April 11, in the Rivne region, the military was sent on their last journey.

The defenders come from Dubnoy. There, relatives, friends and all citizens said goodbye to them.

Met the bodies of those killed on the Independence Square.

They died in the Lugansk region, defending Ukraine and the future of our children. Let's never forget. Condolences to the family and loved ones, – wrote the head of the Rivne OVA Vitaliy Koval.

Note that April 11-12 was declared days of mourning in the Dubno community. src=”/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/v-rovnenskoj-oblasti-prostilis-s-gerojami-vitaliem-prokopchukom-i-olegom-savickim-5a7649c.jpg” alt=”In the Rivne region, the heroes Vitaly said goodbye Prokopchuk and Oleg Savitsky” />

In Dubna, they said goodbye to the dead soldiers/Photo by Vitaliy Koval

The editors of Channel 24 express their sincere condolences to the families and friends of the fighters. Heroes don't die!

To the topic, watch the video of how the captured Melitopol residents are taken to the Crimean pre-trial detention center:

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