Home » “Her place is in the trash of history”: political scientist urged to drive Russia out of the UN Security Council

“Her place is in the trash of history”: political scientist urged to drive Russia out of the UN Security Council

by alex

Russia to be expelled from the UN Security Council/Channel 24 collage

The United Nations now has the opportunity to take away Russia's right to membership in the Security Council. Ideally, it should be given to Ukraine.

After all, when a country tries to make a sacrifice, the world should not act linearly. It should give opportunities to those who are not able to defend themselves. Political scientist Mykola Davydyuk expressed this opinion on the air of Channel 24.

According to him, this would be the answer of the UN, which the whole world expects from it. Then other stronger, big countries would not attack weaker ones – like China against Taiwan.

“Putin led Russia to collapse”

Davidyuk believes that Russia should be “thrown” from the Security Council as the rightful heir of the Soviet Union, as the greatest evil empire, for which Vladimir Putin cries, but which should be in the trash of history.

The place of the Soviet Union, the place of today's Russia is in the dustbin of history. Putin just led to this – he is leading to the collapse of Russia, – the political scientist emphasized.

In his opinion, it is ridiculous when Putin's Russia has been sitting in the Security Council since the days of the Soviet Union, simultaneously waging wars in Georgia, Chechnya, Ukraine, and then introducing the right of veto. No one supports the current Russia, except for Cuba, Eritrea and Syria. The aggressor state has ended for the world.

Is it necessary to liquidate the UN

Davidyuk noted that during this century the United Nations has done many useful and right things. Just because there are Putinists there, the UN, they say, does not need to be liquidated. However, transformation is possible.

If a black sheep started up in the herd, this does not mean that the whole herd has ceased to be useful and milk milk. This “black sheep” must be driven out of the herd and it will continue to be a beautiful, global political entity with the ability to respond.

""Her place – in the trash of history": political scientist urged to drive Russia out of the UN Security Council

Nikolai Davydyuk

Political scientist

Russia in the UN: latest information

  • Head of the Office of the President Andrei Yermak believes that Russia should be deprived of its veto power in the UN Security Council. The shelling of Kyiv during the visit of António Guterres was proof of this.
  • In early April, the General Assembly expelled Russia from the Human Rights Council. According to Serhiy Kislitsa, Ukraine's representative to the UN, this is a complete fiasco for the aggressor state.
  • At the end of April, Russia withdrew from the UN World Tourism Organization.

Davidyuk commented on the visit of the UN Secretary General: watch the video

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