Home » Helps Israel defend against ballistic missiles: what is known about the Arrow-3 missile defense system and whether Ukraine will be able to obtain it

Helps Israel defend against ballistic missiles: what is known about the Arrow-3 missile defense system and whether Ukraine will be able to obtain it

by alex

The Israel Defense Forces used an Arrow-3 missile system on Tuesday, October 31, to intercept a surface-to-surface ballistic missile fired by Houthi rebels in Yemen.

As Defense Express notes, this is the first time in history that the Arrow-3 missile defense system has been used in combat to intercept a ballistic missile.

ICTV Facts found out what is known about the Arrow-3 missile defense system, what is its peculiarity and what are its technical characteristics.

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System about Arrow-3: what is known

The Arrow (Hetz) anti-missile system began to be created back in 1986. By 1994, the prototype had been successfully tested, and the first system was deployed in March 2000.

The missile defense system was developed in accordance with the plans of the Israeli government, which wanted to create an effective missile defense system.

However, financing and production of the system is carried out jointly by Israel and the United States. Since the creation of such a powerful system became a challenge for the Israeli military-industrial complex, and the development and testing itself required a lot of financial investment, the Israeli leadership turned to the United States of America.

A memorandum on the joint creation and financing of the Arrow project was signed by the parties on May 6, 1986.

The main developers of the system are Israel Aerospace Industries and Boeing.

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First, the Arrow-1 rocket was developed, which successfully passed all tests. Subsequently, the Arrow-2 version was created, which was adopted and put into mass production.

Arrow-2 is considered one of the most effective missile defense systems currently in service. It became the first missile defense system that was specifically developed to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles.

In January 2018, the Arrow-3 rocket, which has greater speed, range and altitude, was put into operation. Also, the latter system is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles while they are flying in outer space.

Arrow-3 can intercept ballistic missiles, especially those carrying weapons of mass destruction, at altitudes greater than 100 km, and over long ranges.

Once the target and its course are identified, the Arrow interceptor redirects with its thrust vectoring nozzle to close the gap and conduct a body-to-body interception.

Features and Application

Helps Israel defend against ballistic missiles: what is known about the Arrow-3 missile defense system and whether Ukraine will be able to obtain it

Photo: Israel Aerospace Industries

Military analyst and expert Peter Chernik notes that Arrow-3 is part of Israel's multi-level air and missile defense system.

— Arrow-3 works together with the Iron Dome and David’s Sling complexes and closes the upper level, that is, it intercepts primarily ballistic missiles. This is a very serious and powerful rocket,” says Chernik.

The expert adds that this is a good two-stage missile that would improve the shooting down of cruise missiles in the skies over Ukraine.

The Israel Aerospace Industries website notes that the Arrow weapon system can operate in autonomous or network-centric mode, protecting the area from short-, medium- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

The complex is capable of effectively intercepting threats from the air related to weapons of mass destruction and other types of conventional warheads.

Arrow systems are a family of interceptors and modular subsystems designed to provide highly effective, multi-layered defense against the ballistic missile threat.

– Arrow observes, detects, tracks, recognizes and destroys ballistic missiles. The system is modular and can be reconfigured and adapted to specific requirements, geographical features, existing systems and infrastructures. The Arrow system is easily transportable, which ensures its rapid deployment in the face of constant missile threats, Israel Aerospace Industries adds.

Main features of Arrow-3:

  • Protects a very large territory.
  • Highly effective against various types of missiles and warheads.
  • Possibility of multiple interception of TBM salvoes.
  • Warning, target identification, launch point estimation and accurate impact point prediction.
  • Ability to adapt to different geographical conditions and infrastructures.
  • The open architecture of the system ensures full compatibility with other air and ground missiles.
  • Exoatmospheric interception capabilities.
  • Can detect, track and recognize targets over long distances.
  • Supersonic speed.
  • Two-stage interception.
  • Arrow 3 is designed to destroy missiles outside the atmosphere.
  • Two stages of solid propellant engine.
  • Compatible with 21″ Vertical Launch System (VLS).
  • Short reaction time.
  • Modern agility.
  • Simultaneous processing of multiple threats.
  • Can distinguish air targets.

The complex is capable of intercepting missiles launched from a distance of up to 3,000 km and flying at speeds of up to 4.5 km per second. Anti-missiles are designed to defeat enemy missiles in the stratosphere. The system is capable of detecting and tracking up to 12 targets simultaneously, as well as targeting one of them with up to two anti-missile missiles capable of reaching speeds of up to 2.5 km per second.

The interception range is stated to be 2400 km, the altitude is more than 100 km. It is noted that the battery of the Arrow-3 complex can intercept salvoes from more than five ballistic missiles within 30 seconds. Moreover, the launch can be carried out even before it becomes known where the enemy missile is flying – and when the target and course are detected, the interceptor missile will redirect.

Will Ukraine be able to get Arrow-3

According to Pyotr Chernik, Ukraine definitely shouldn’t hope for Arrow-3.

– I'll explain why. The Israelis have a very subtle matter regarding Iran. The only country that can help Iran enrich uranium to the point where it can be used to extract weapons-grade plutonium is Russia. Accordingly, Israel will not take an open position of supporting Ukraine, because this could provoke the Russians to speed up Iran’s nuclear program, says Chernik.


  • The interception altitude is more than 100 km.
  • The interception range is up to 3000 km.
  • Capable of reaching speeds of up to 2.5 km per second.
  • The cost of one such missile is estimated at $2-3 million.
  • Capable of simultaneously targeting up to 12 targets.

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