Home » He went to the front as a volunteer: the famous publisher and journalist Vladimir Chepovoy died

He went to the front as a volunteer: the famous publisher and journalist Vladimir Chepovoy died

by alex

The famous publisher and journalist Vladimir Chepovoy died/Collage of Channel 24

< strong _ngcontent-sc88="">Vladimir Chepovoy, general director of Blitz-Inform publishing house, gave his life in the battle for Ukraine. He went to the front as a volunteer and died in the first weeks of June.

The sad news was reported by the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine with reference to the speaker of the Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Lyudmila Shikota.

< p> It is known that Vladimir Chepovoy died in battle, defending Ukraine from Russian invaders in early June. However, his body was only identified on June 21.

It has been confirmed that the general director of the Blitz-Inform publishing house, the editor-in-chief of the Business magazine, and the author of the Business 100 project were killed in action. Energetic, cheerful, active Vladimir Chepovoy. So enterprising, open, always so lively,” Shikota wrote.

Pay attention! Vladimir Chepovoy is already the 34th media worker who died at the hands of the Russians this year.

On June 6, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy awarded journalists on the occasion of their professional holiday. He also presented state awards to family members of media representatives who died as a result of the Russian invasion. He thanked the media workers who carry the truth and protect our state, as well as the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the entire Ukrainian people.

“You carry the truth and important information – very powerful, weighty meanings that can become a great advantage for our state in this fight, in which we will definitely win,” the head of state emphasized.

Interesting!Journalist Mstislav Chernov and freelance photojournalist Yevgeny Maloletka received the Freedom of Speech Award from Deutsche Welle. The news was announced by Alexander Tkachenko. Minister of Culture and Information Policy Tkachenko stressed that the world sees the war in Ukraine through their eyes.

After the speech, the President presented state awards for a significant contribution to the development of journalism, high professionalism and conscientious work. He said that from February 24 to June 6, 32 Ukrainian and foreign media workers were killed due to Russia's armed aggression in Ukraine. Zelensky remembered all of them by name. The audience honored the memory of the dead with a minute of silence.

The editors of Channel 24 express their sincere condolences to the families of all the dead journalists who defended our state on the information front and directly on the battlefield. Eternal memory to everyone!

Worthy of your attention – Journalists came under terrible shelling on the highway Lisichansk – Bakhmut: watch the video

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