Home » He wandered through the forest for 24 hours: border guards detained a Ukrainian who tried to escape to Poland

He wandered through the forest for 24 hours: border guards detained a Ukrainian who tried to escape to Poland

by alex

In the Rivne region, border guards detained a 53-year-old Ukrainian who was trying to illegally cross the border with Poland. However, he accidentally ended up near the Belarusian border. Having lost his way, the man spent a day in the forest and accidentally ran into military personnel.

This was reported by the State Border Service.

The Ukrainian tried to illegally cross the border with Poland

A native of the Kirovohrad region went to Poland, following the instructions he received from an unknown person in a messenger. He hoped to quickly reach the neighboring country, so he did not take any water or other necessary things with him.

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However, instead of the Polish border, he found himself near Belarus, where he spent almost a whole day wandering through forests and swamps.

The detainee said that he was guided by the instructions from the stranger and was convinced that the area would be similar to the forests of the Kirovograd region. However, he encountered dense thickets and swamps.

— I didn’t even understand where I was. Then I decided that I had enough of these adventures, I would make my way to people. I came across a pond, from which I drank water, because before that I had to collect dew from plants, — the 53-year-old Ukrainian said.

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported that the emaciated man accidentally met Ukrainian border guards. At first, the Ukrainian mistook them for Polish soldiers, so he addressed them in a foreign language.

The detainee was brought to administrative responsibility under Article 204-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine (illegal crossing or attempted illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine).

This entails a fine of 200 to 500 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens or administrative arrest for up to 15 days (with confiscation of the tools and means of committing the offense).

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