Home ยป He ordered the cruel treatment of detainees: the Russian lieutenant colonel was informed of suspicion

He ordered the cruel treatment of detainees: the Russian lieutenant colonel was informed of suspicion

by alex

Suspected Russian lieutenant colonel in crimes in Konotop/Office of the Prosecutor General

The Lieutenant Colonel of Russia ordered the soldiers to mistreat the inhabitants of Konotop. The prosecutor's office informed the attacker about the suspicion.

It is known that the lieutenant colonel is the military commandant of the Samara garrison in Russia. He was informed of suspicion in absentia under the article “violation of the laws and customs of war”.

He ordered to mock civilians

According to the investigation, the lieutenant colonel of the Russian armed forces, together with his subordinates, illegally crossed the state border of Ukraine in the Sumy region. On February 25, 2022, the first crime occurred, in which the suspect was involved.

At the entrance to the village of Vyazovoe, Russian infidels stopped a car at a checkpoint organized by them. Using physical force, they detained the driver and transported him to an agricultural enterprise. There, the lieutenant colonel ordered his subordinates to supposedly shoot him. He did this in order to frighten the detainee.

The man was forced to undress to his underwear and sit there for 4-5 hours with handcuffs on his hands. Nearby in the room were black plastic bags. There were probably dead bodies inside. It is clear that the temperature in the room was about +4 degrees. Then the man was released.

According to the same scheme, on February 28, Russian monsters detained two more local residents who were delivering bread. The lieutenant colonel ordered his subordinates to put metal handcuffs on them and blindfold them.

The men were kept in the same enterprise. This time, the lieutenant colonel gave the order to systematically beat them with a gun. At the same time, the unlawfully detained were required to provide information about civilian residents of Konotop with a pro-Ukrainian position. The Russians also demanded information about the location of the Ukrainian military in Konotop and the places where weapons were stored. Only on March 2, the men were released.

What threatens the Russian occupier

The lieutenant colonel of the Russian army faces 8 to 12 years in prison for “giving orders to commit cruel acts.”

The pre-trial investigation is being carried out by investigators of the Konotop district police department with operational escort of the SBU in the Sumy region.

Suspicion for the murder of another Russian

A Russian soldier in February 2022 in the village of Kharkov fired from firearms to the head of a man in his own backyard. The local died immediately. Then the occupier wounded two more civilians who were trying to escape.

Prosecutors of the Prilutsk district prosecutor's office reported a suspicion to a Russian soldier. He will definitely answer for what he did.

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