Home » He made a remark and stabbed: in Lviv, a pensioner wounded a man in the chest and stomach

He made a remark and stabbed: in Lviv, a pensioner wounded a man in the chest and stomach

by alex

In Lviv, near a church on Symonenko Street, while walking dogs, a clash occurred between two men, as a result of which a man was injured.

Local Telegram channels report that a 70-year-old Lviv resident stabbed a 42-year-old man in the chest and stomach during a fight.

A video from the conflict site was also released.

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It is noted that the fight arose because the dog was being walked without a muzzle. The pensioner allegedly made an aggressive remark about this to the man, who was described as a military man on leave.

During the fight, the older man used a knife. After that, he wanted to leave the scene, but the wounded man did not let him leave.

IN police were told that the incident occurred on November 11 between two Lviv residents aged 70 and 42 while walking their dogs.

“The dispute escalated into a conflict, during which the eldest of the participants stabbed the youngest two times with a knife in the chest and abdomen, causing serious injuries,” the report says.

The police detained the pensioner, and soon the court will choose a preventive measure for the detainee.

Investigators opened criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Article 121 (intentional grievous bodily harm) of the Criminal Code. The sanction of the article provides for punishment – imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8 years.

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