Home » “He just can’t stop”: Putin is preparing for war against the Baltic countries – FT

“He just can’t stop”: Putin is preparing for war against the Baltic countries – FT

by alex

Putin may attack the Baltic countries/Collage 24 Channel< p _ngcontent-sc198 class="news-annotation">According to Western media reports, the Kremlin leader is preparing for a new war. It is said that the Russian dictator plans to launch a new aggression against the Baltic countries.

Earlier, Putin complained that Russians in the Baltic countries were allegedly “thrown abroad.” According to him, these are “very serious things” that allegedly concern the security of Russia. Therefore, the Russian dictator did not come up with anything better than to threaten the Baltic countries.

Putin is preparing for a new war

As noted in the Financial Times, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is preparing for war against the Baltic states.

A senior Ukrainian official is reported to have said so , who said that Kiev has convincing intelligence data regarding the Kremlin’s intentions.

Putin simply cannot stop, the publication quotes an unnamed official.

In particular, Estonia's foreign intelligence service said this week that Russia intends to double the number of its troops stationed along the border with the Baltic states and Finland.

Such activity could indicate a potential military conflict with the North Atlantic Alliance within the next decade.

Putin does everything he talks about. And the only thing that can stop him is the politics of power. This is the only thing he understands,” said the chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Christoph Heusgen.

The Baltic countries are strengthening their borders: what is known

  • It recently became known that Latvia is building bunkers on the borders. This should protect the country from possible attacks by Russia and Belarus. Latvian Defense Minister Andris Spruds said border protection is an “important task” for all front-line countries.
  • The Latvian defense minister says his country has signed an agreement with its Lithuanian-Estonian counterparts on coordinating activities to strengthen defense lines. He added that each country, of course, has its own specific plans.
  • In particular, to stop a potential Russian offensive, Estonia will build 600 bunkers. The Ministry of Defense promised that this would not affect the landscape in any way, and in peacetime the structures could be used as a cellar for potatoes. they should be built in the Ida-Virumaa region and in the southeast of the country.
  • Even earlier, the defense ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania held a meeting in Riga. There they signed a historic agreement. Within the next few years, countries will create a defensive zone on their borders. It will consist of various defensive objects. Their goal will be to deter and, if necessary, protect against military threats from Belarus and Russia.

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