Home » He guarded bridges for the invaders: a traitor who was captured in battle received 15 years in prison

He guarded bridges for the invaders: a traitor who was captured in battle received 15 years in prison

by alex

A traitor to Ukraine was sentenced to 15 years in prison. A militant from a quasi-republic in Donbas was guarding captured bridges in Zaporozhye for the invaders.

The attacker was detained at the end of June. The SBU warned that the punishment for crimes against the state security of Ukraine is inevitable. was detained by the SBU together with units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the battle in the Zaporozhye region. According to the investigation, a resident of the Donetsk region was convicted, who in 2015 joined the so-called “People's Militia of the DPR”.

The attacker, being in the “position” of a grenade launcher, actively participated in combat actions against ATO units in the East. After the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine, he fought against the Armed Forces of Ukraine as part of the 129th Infantry Regiment of the 70th Army of Russia.

As part of the enemy troops, the man was on duty at the checkpoints of the invaders in the temporarily occupied villages of Zaozernoe and Novogrigorevka, Kherson region. Then he was assigned to guard the captured bridges in Zaporozhye and the invaders used him to transport weapons and ammunition to the front line.

The pre-trial investigation was already completed, and the materials were submitted to the court for consideration. The attacker was found guilty of:

  • high treason committed under martial law,
  • participation in the activities of armed groups not provided for by law.

The militant was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

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