Home » He destroyed the prison and ended the Cold War: what world leaders say about Gorbachev's death

He destroyed the prison and ended the Cold War: what world leaders say about Gorbachev's death

by alex


The life of the first and only President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, ended on August 30th. The leader of the Soviet Union was 91 years old and was suffering from a severe and prolonged illness.

Gorbachev was a controversial figure, especially on the issue of Ukraine. What statements he managed to distinguish himself during his lifetime and how Western politicians react to her death – read the article on Channel 24.

How world politicians react to Gorbachev's death

In Joe Biden's administration remembered that, as leader of the USSR, Gorbachev worked with President Reagan to reduce nuclear arsenals so that people around the world who were praying for an end to the nuclear arms race would be relieved.

And even after leaving office, he was still deeply involved. When Gorbachev visited the White House in 2009, we talked for a long time about the ongoing work of our countries to reduce US and Russian nuclear stockpiles. – noted in the White House.

They added that after decades of brutal political repression, he accepted democratic reforms, and also believed in glasnost and perestroika

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson noted that he has always admired the courage and honesty that Gorbachev demonstrated in bringing the Cold War to a peaceful end. He added that he was upset by the news of the death of the head of the USSR.

Curious!In early December 1989, US President George W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev talked for 2 days on board a Soviet cruise ship off the coast of Malta. As a result of the meeting, they did not sign any documents, but announced that relations between the countries “are entering a new era of reliable cooperation.” In the press, this statement was called the end of the Cold War, which lasted between the countries of the social bloc and the West for more than 40 years.

Bush (senior) and Gorbachev during a briefing on the results of negotiations in Malta/Photo by Getty Images

The head of the European Commission also mentioned Gorbachev's decisive role in ending the Cold War Ursula von der Leyen.

“Mikhail Gorbachev was a leader who was trusted and respected. He played a decisive role in ending the Cold War and the fall of the Iron Curtain. This opened the way to a free Europe,” she said.

Head of the European Council Charles Michel expressed his condolences to Gorbachev's family, friends and the Russian people. French President Emmanuel Macron joined the words of condolence.

My condolences on the death of Mikhail Gorbachev, a man of the world, whose choice opened the way for Russians to freedom. His desire for peace in Europe has changed our common history,” Macron stressed.

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde recalled how Mikhail Gorbachev spoke at the World Youth Festival in 1985. Then tens and thousands of young people, including Linde, heard a different tone.

“We heard hope for a different future away from repression and the Cold War. He made a difference. It is extremely sad that the current leader is going the opposite way “, she added.

Actor and former governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted that Gorbachev was one of his heroes.

And it was an honor and a joy to meet him. I was incredibly lucky to call him a friend. Each of us can learn from his fantastic life, he remarked.

Schwarzenegger and Gorbachev/Photo from Schwarzenegger's Twitter

Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Burbocknoted that Gorbachev was guided by peace and mutual understanding between people.

The end of the Cold War and the unity of Germany is his legacy, she concluded.

Russian telegrams- the channels write that the head of the Kremlin himself Vladimir Putin reacted to Gorbachev's death. He expressed deep condolences to Gorbachev's family and friends. In the morning, the president will send a telegram to his family, Peskov said.

Who is Mikhail Gorbachev: the main thing

Mikhail Gorbachev was the Secretary General of the USSR in 1985-1991, as well as the first and only president of the Soviet Union. His time in power is called “perestroika”. It was then:

  • censorship disappeared,
  • better union ties with the US and Europe began,
  • people saw what openness and freedom of speech meant.< /li>

Many believe that it was these and other actions, unusual for the USSR, that Mikhail Gorbachev destroyed the Soviet Union. However, this process really had many reasons and factors.

It is worth remembering that in 2016 Mikhail Gorbachev said that he considered Putin’s decision to occupy Crimea to be the right one, and supposedly he would have done the same. He was also convinced that it was the Soviet Union that created Ukraine, and before that it was allegedly lands belonging to Russia.

Pay attention! In July, journalist Alexei Venediktov, a close friend of Gorbachev, said that he was horrified to see how the Russian dictator had destroyed his life's work. Gorbachev understood that he had started a war and was extremely disappointed.

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