Home » He brought his 19-year-old son to China: Feigin suggested that Lukashenko was planning

He brought his 19-year-old son to China: Feigin suggested that Lukashenko was planning

by alex

Meeting between Lukashenko and Xi / Collage 24 Channel/Screenshot from video

Alexander Lukashenko has tense relations with Vladimir Putin, so he is looking for other supporters. Thus, in China, a meeting took place between Lukashenka and Xi Jinping, who even exchanged gifts.

The Belarusian president also brought with him his 19-year-old son, Nikolai. Russian opposition human rights activist Mark Feigin explained to Channel 24 that Lukashenko takes his youngest son around countries for one purpose.

What are Lukashenko’s son being prepared for?

Feigin noted that, unlike Belarus, China is doing well. Therefore, it is Alexander Lukashenko who is interested in cooperation, so that sponsors support the Belarusian economy and his regime.

In addition, the self-proclaimed president of Belarus took his youngest son Nikolai with him to China, to whom Xi Jinping gave a tracksuit with Chinese symbols.

He is trying to make Nicholas his successor. This is understandable. He carries it for a reason. Nikolai must replace daddy as the Belarusian dictator,” concluded Mark Feigin.

Meeting details

According to Feigin, Lukashenko is fussing and trying to maintain a balance with Moscow, but the truth is not working out well. Therefore, the President of Belarus is always looking for a third-party resource.

He used to act in the same way – he appealed to the West and “cooled” with Moscow. Now the road to the West is “closed”, so I left for the East. Lukashenko is trying to get an additional guarantor of his security from China, the Russian opposition human rights activist emphasized.

The heads of state exchanged gifts. The Belarusian president received a painting embroidered from silk and apples. Lukashenko presented Xi Jinping with a panel, the sculptural composition “One Belt – One Road,” chocolate and cornflowers.

It is very typical for Lukashenko to work so small. That's all. What else can he do?!,” Feigin emphasized.

Xi Jinping received Alexander Lukashenko in China: watch video

Results of the meeting between Xi and Lukashenko

  • Chinese leader Xi Jinping met with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko in Beijing for the second time in 2023. Negotiations between the Belarusian and Chinese leaders lasted three hours.
  • Xi said both countries should improve the facilitation of cross-border communications and promote economic and trade initiatives as well as “people-to-people exchanges.”
  • The Chinese president proposed strengthening coordination and cooperation between Beijing and Minsk in multilateral mechanisms such as the UN and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
  • In addition, Lukashenko called the head of China a friend, and he announced the strengthening of political mutual trust. Lukashenko also revealed that when he arrived in China, he was able to sleep peacefully.

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