Home » “Hang”: Solovyov proposes public executions of young Russians who do not support the war

“Hang”: Solovyov proposes public executions of young Russians who do not support the war

by alex

“Hang”: Solovyov proposes public executions of young Russians who do not support the war Anastasia Lukashevskaya

Soloviev proposes hanging Russians/Screenshot from video

Russian propaganda has long crossed the line of what is acceptable in the norms of what the media can allow itself. The Kremlin-built machine has been effectively “brainwashing” Russians for years and is an instrument of war. One of the faces of the Russian propaganda machine, Solovyov, has made a new, cruel statement about those of his fellow citizens who do not support Russia's war in Ukraine.

In particular, Solovyov explained what he thinks should be done with Russians who do not intend to support Putin's war. According to him, they should be hanged.

In fact, an excerpt from his program went viral online. In the video, Solovyov, in his actor's intonations, expresses outrage at the increasing number of acts of sabotage in Russia and occupied Crimea.

“If they know that saboteurs in our country are subject to destruction… 25 years – the scoundrel gave away the location of air defense systems in Crimea – hang him. Not shoot him, hang him. A tough one,” Solovyov shouted, and then changed his intonation to a soft one and asked, “Oh, what are you saying, what are you saying.”

Solovyov suggests hanging Russians: video

Russia killer country

The Internet is discussing Solovyov's statement and saying that, most likely, Russia will resort to such methods.

“Sooner or later, Russia in its current state will come to this. If not to public executions, then to a massive neo-gulag for sure. First of all, thanks to such ardent propagandists,” noted the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, Petr Andryushchenko.

In fact, such rhetoric is not absolutely wild for Russians and is not something new. In Russia, they are accustomed to solving issues with figures who are disobedient to the authorities using brutal methods. And, if they will probably not use public hangings, because they are still trying to “play” not only on the domestic viewer – the Russian, but they must also maintain at least some image of loyalty and the remnants of pseudo-democracy for the world. Then, detentions and imprisonments, brutal beatings, murders by other methods – the Kremlin actively uses.

Everyone knows this, and therefore any rallies or protests are impossible in Russia. Many Russians, realizing this, simply left the country. Both because of the desire to stay alive and because they cannot come to terms with the idea of ​​belonging to such a “world”.

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