Home » Hamas calls for Day of Wrath, Israelis abroad warned of danger

Hamas calls for Day of Wrath, Israelis abroad warned of danger

by alex

Israelis abroad are being urged to be vigilant as Hamas calls on its supporters to mobilize for jihad in a so-called Day of Wrath.

Israel's Jerusalem Post reports that Israel's National Security Council and Foreign Ministry have urged on Thursday, Jews around the world remain vigilant as attacks may be launched by Hamas supporters.

— In the wake of Operation Iron Swords, the Hamas leadership called on all its supporters around the world to observe a Day of Rage this coming Friday (October 13), including a call to take to the streets and harm Israelis and Jews. Therefore, it is likely that protests will take place in different countries of the world, which could escalate into violent events, — the joint statement said.

Israeli authorities advised all Israelis abroad to remain vigilant, stay away from demonstrations, and, if necessary, — inform local security services about possible demonstrations and disturbances.

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This was preceded by a statement by former Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal to radical Muslims and Hamas supporters around the world to “mobilize for jihad.” He stated that everyone should come together so that when the world sees that the nation has won in Al-Aqsa (a mosque in Jerusalem, — Ed.), and columns of fighters begin to shed their blood for the sake of Palestine, the scene will change”.

— I say very clearly that this is the moment for the nation to enter the battle, and for us to fight together,— Meshaal said.

Local law enforcement in cities around the world have stepped up efforts to protect Jewish communities due to threats from Hamas and other actors online.

Demonstrations, that could turn violent are also planned on college campuses across the United States.

There are no reports yet of similar events taking place in Ukraine.

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