Home ยป Half a loaf a week: people in Balakliya told how they survived the occupation

Half a loaf a week: people in Balakliya told how they survived the occupation

by alex

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Ukrainian military drove Russian fighters out of Balakleya. Therefore, journalists had the opportunity to talk with local residents who were under occupation for half a year.

Reporter Channel 24 Anna Chernenko talked to the residents of Balakliya liberated from the enemy. She was told how the locals survived under the yoke of Russian aggression.

There were no jobs, and there was barely enough food

One of the residents said that the opportunities there was no work for the inhabitants of Balakleya. He noted that at least some work has been preserved except in the administration. Its former officials were engaged in humanitarian work. At first, Ukrainian and Russian were discussed, and since May 6, only Russian.

Humanitarian from the Russians was extremely poor.Residents were given 3-4 cans of canned food for 3 weeks. In addition, it was possible to get a kilogram of three different cereals on hand. As for bread, in the occupied Balakliya they gave half a loaf for a whole week. This is the only thing that the locals received from the “liberators”.

There is nothing to buy. There is no place to earn money. There were a lot of products on the market, but the prices were 2-3 times higher than before the war,โ€ the local resident emphasized.

He added that he and his friends survived thanks to local farmers. They sold milk for 5-10 hryvnias. Sometimes they gave it away for free.

The locals were also imprisoned

Unfortunately, there were also those whom the invaders imprisoned. Earlier, we talked about a man who became a prisoner of the invaders for 46 days.

Artem said that one day the Russian military came to his house to search it. They rummaged through personal belongings. And it was during this they found a photograph of his brother, in which he poses in uniform. He was detained, blindfolded, rolled around the city, and after that they were taken to prison.

In the cell Artem sat with five other people. There was no latrine. And they took me to the toilet exactly twice a day – at 06:00 and 18:00. If it was necessary to empty the bladder, then a 5-liter bottle was used for this.

Fed twice a day. Porridge without salt, without anything. Well, sometimes there was soup at lunch, this is if the soldiers did not finish it. It was such a holiday. And it happened that the remaining soup was thrown at the camera: a plate or two. 3 spoons in a circle were thrown at everyone, that's all, – said the man.

In such conditions, experiencing constant torture, he spent 46 days.

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