Home » Gumenyuk on the destruction of the Russian ship Sergei Kotov: We are enjoying the process

Gumenyuk on the destruction of the Russian ship Sergei Kotov: We are enjoying the process

by alex

The destruction of the Russian patrol ship Sergei Kotov near the Kerch Strait indicates that along with spring, a new season of the so-called bavovna has begun in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

This was stated by the speaker of the joint coordination press center of the Southern Defense Forces Natalia Gumenyuk on the air of the Unified News telethon, commenting on information that at that time was still was not confirmed by power steering.

— New stage “bavovni” in Crimea began on March 1, with warming, with spring. We can say that our potential is not lost. That is “seeds” there is, and then it’s time to “sow” abundantly, then we will reap the harvest. For now we're just enjoying the process, — she emphasized.

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Destruction of the ship Sergei Kotov

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine officially confirmed the damage to the patrol ship Sergei Kotov of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

On the night of March 5, as a result of an attack by Magura V5 maritime drones, the stern, starboard and left sides of the vessel were damaged.

Estimated cost of the sunken ship Sergey Kotov — about $65 million

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