Home » Guaranteed hit to the enemy: what impresses with the high-precision APKWS system that Ukraine will receive

Guaranteed hit to the enemy: what impresses with the high-precision APKWS system that Ukraine will receive

by alex

The high-precision APKWS system is guaranteed to hit the enemy/Channel 24 Collage

The conventional unguided Hydra 70 rocket, thanks to the APKWS system, turns into a very accurate laser-guided rocket munition. It can eliminate enemy manpower, vehicles and light armored targets on the battlefield.

  • 1What is known about APKWS
  • 2How APKWS missiles hit
  • 3What are the benefits of the system

However, tests showed that even tanks would suffer from them. All thanks to the precision created by American engineers.

This system is called APKWS. It's a small control box that turns any unguided 70mm missile into a surgical precision projectile. For integration, it is enough to insert a block between the missile warhead and its engine.

Guaranteed hit on the enemy: what is impressive about the high-precision APKWS system that Ukraine will receive

APKWS missile/Screenshot from Channel 24 video

The United States used these in Afghanistan, and now Ukraine will test them in the fight against the Russians. America has already agreed on the transfer of ready-made shells to Ukraine, worth nearly $23 million. One such complex, consisting of a Hydra missile and APKWS, costs $22,000.

Now this is the cheapest version of high-precision weapons in its class. At the same time, the Russian military's armored cars and launchers cost up to $3 million.

APKWS is a relatively new US development and they are not very happy to share it with their allies. For all the time they delivered only 37 thousand units. Now Ukraine has joined the list.

The length of this rocket is almost 2 meters. Despite the fact that its weight is only 15 kilograms, it is very fast – overcomes thousand meters per second. Thanks to laser guidance, the effective range is from 1.5 to 12 kilometers.

Such modified high-precision missiles have a rather interesting launch mechanism. As soon as the projectile leaves the launcher, 4 wings are straightened. Each one is equipped with advanced targeting optics that can lock on the target for a sure hit.

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Modern automated systems of this missile allow it to find not only static but also moving targets. At the same time, it does not matter where exactly the target is: in the open area or in a cache.

The search for the target is already in the air. While the rocket is in the launcher, the optics are closed, so it is not afraid of dirt, water, sand and other factors that can affect the combat capability of the entire system.

At the same time, compact dimensions, light weight and accuracy of destruction make it possible to equip helicopters, planes, armored personnel carriers with such missiles, launch them from ordinary pickup trucks, and even use them remotely.

However, in general, they can be used from any platform that can fire unguided rockets with a diameter of 70 millimeters. In particular, from drones.

Important! The United States also agreed for Ukraine on Puma UAVs equipped with software that works in tandem with APKWS.

The performance of APKWS speaks for itself. Over 5 years of testing, it was possible to achieve an accuracy of 93% when launching from fixed and rotary platforms. So far, this is the most accurate and best indicator among missiles of this class.

Guaranteed hit on the enemy: what impresses with the high-precision APKWS system that Ukraine will receive

APKWS missiles accurately hit the target/Screenshot from Channel 24 video

In 2020, these missiles were tested for launches from ground platforms such as pickup trucks and armored personnel carriers. Research has shown incredible results. It turned out that these systems are effective against air targets. Especially when it comes to drones.

APKWS laser guidance and a speed of a thousand kilometers (which is faster than any drone or drone) allow the missile to pursue and catch up with targets. She doesn't even have to hit the target. It can blow up near the UAV, which in one way or another will lead to damage to the drone.

Against the background of the current war, when the Russians are hiding among the houses of the civilian population and shelling the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in shelters, high-precision weapons that strike pinpoint and without damage to surrounding targets, can play an important role in this confrontation.

The operator does not even need to see the target. It is enough to launch a rocket, and then it will do everything itself. Most importantly, it will deliver a surgically accurate blow that guarantees hitting the enemy.

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