Home » Great Expectations: Why Putin is so looking forward to Trump as US President

Great Expectations: Why Putin is so looking forward to Trump as US President

by alex

Great hopes: why Putin is so looking forward to Trump as US President Natalya Belzetskaya

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Vladimir Putin said that in Russia there are takes Donald Trump's “peace” initiatives very seriously. The so-called president added that he sees “sincerity” in the words of the American politician and supports them.

Putin understands that Trump has no ideology and rejoices at it. This opinion 24 Channelsaid Renew Democracy Initiative executive director Uriel Epstein, adding that Trump does not believe in American leadership.

Why Putin needs Trump to win

Donald Trump doesn't believe in the free world. He is willing to support dictators and authoritarian countries if he believes that their leaders love him. All this opens up new opportunities for Putin.

Of course, these are not guarantees for the Russian dictator, because in a year Trump could completely change his position. However, Putin is already hearing statements from this candidate that the United States is giving too much money to Ukraine.

For Trump there are no principles, he looks at everything from a business point of view. Therefore, Putin hopes to convince him that aid to Ukraine is supposedly a bad investment. It is better to invest money in the USA. Trump may agree with this, noted Uriel Epstein.

The Russian elite will also receive benefits in the form of chaos from Trump. Besides, Trump has already stated. that if one of the NATO member countries does not pay enough to ensure the security of the United States, then Russia can do whatever it wants, there will be no response. All this is very beneficial for the Kremlin.

The big risk is that it is impossible to predict Trump’s actions. If someone from his circle convinces him that supporting Ukraine is beneficial, he will do it. Then Putin will become even more aggressive and there could be a clash between the United States and Russia,” added Uriel Epstein.

So now Putin is really celebrating, but the risks for the world are only growing, because the chances of a clash between the two countries are quite high.

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