Home » Great Britain imposed new sanctions against Russia: propagandists and businessmen under attack

Great Britain imposed new sanctions against Russia: propagandists and businessmen under attack

by alex

Great Britain imposed new sanctions against Russia:/Collage of Channel 24

< strong _ngcontent-sc86="">Great Britain has imposed new sanctions against Russia. The aggressor state was banned from using British management consulting, accounting and PR services.

The British government announced 63 new restrictions. In particular, a travel ban and an asset freeze for Russian propagandists.

London will put even more pressure on the Kremlin

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss explained that the country is stopping the export of services that are “critical for the Russian economy.” This applies to the field of media. 10% of Russian imports in these sectors account for accounting, management consulting and PR services.

Truss noted that doing business with the Putin regime helps finance the war machine that causes untold suffering to Ukraine.

< p>Thus, banning Russia from British services will put more pressure on the Kremlin. This, in turn, will help ensure Putin's failure in Ukraine.

Who fell under the sanctions

Propagandists and businessmen were hit again by the sanctions.

  • Nailya Asker Zade,
  • Pavel Gusev – “Moskovsky Komsomolets”,
  • Alexander Kots – warrior,
  • Mikhail Leontiev – host of “First”,
  • Alexander Malkevich – St. Petersburg TV channel,
  • Maxim Oreshkin – Board of Directors of Pervoiy,
  • Sergey Mikhailov – TASS,
  • Evgeny Poddubny – All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company,
  • Dmitry Steshin – Komsomolskaya Pravda.
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Other UK sanctions against Russian media

In addition, sanctions against RT and Sputnik have been in effect in the UK since March. Technology and Digital Economy Minister Chris Philp stressed that these media outlets have been releasing dangerous nonsense for too long, “pretend” to be serious news, to justify Putin's invasion of Ukraine. business with them. Now they have decided to disable their websites, social media accounts and applications.

Other companies are also subject to sanctions. For example, the InfoRos news agency, the SouthFront disinformation website and the Strategic Culture Foundation online magazine.

Note that after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the UK imposed sanctions against more than 1,600 individuals and legal entities from the aggressor country.


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