Home » Gas import is not a problem, but it costs crazy money – Vitrenko about the heating season

Gas import is not a problem, but it costs crazy money – Vitrenko about the heating season

by alex

Vitrenko spoke about preparations for the heating season/Channel 24 collage

Naftogaz Ukrainy has the capacity to import gas, but currently the company lacks the funds to do so. Negotiations with international partners are ongoing.

This was stated by the head of the board of Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko, at a briefing, Channel 24 reports.

According to Vitrenko, the company has no problem importing gas, the problem is that “large funds are needed for this.” Therefore, the company is negotiating with international partners about how much they can help with money or gas.

He specified that in order to accumulate 19 billion cubic meters of gas before the start of the heating season, in accordance with the task set by the government, Naftogaz ” must import 5.8 billion cubic meters of gas.

If you need to have such a large supply, as the government wants, by the beginning of the heating season of 19 billion cubic meters, this means that you need to import almost 5.8 billion cubic meters additionally. This means that it is necessary to spend $8 billion, a lot of money for Ukraine,” Vitrenko said.

At the same time, according to the head of the NAC board, if Ukraine approaches the heating season with a gas level of 15 billion cubic meters of gas , this will also be enough. Moreover, this is a certain with a margin, and not just a minimum level.

Lend-lease should also go to energy

Vitrenko recalled that Naftogaz proposes to include gas in the American lend-lease program for Ukraine.

“This is one of the options that we are working with our partners. This is a very difficult task, we are talking about huge funds , there are many prerequisites for obtaining financing from our international partners. 15 billion cubic meters of gas before the end of the heating season means that we need to import significant volumes of gas, and we need significant funds,” Vitrenko added.

Ukraine can to provide itself with gas

The Cabinet of Ministers previously instructed Naftogaz of Ukraine to ensure an increase in gas reserves in underground storage facilities by the beginning of the heating season to 19 billion cubic meters. According to Prime Minister Denys Shmygal, the government estimates the volume of its own production at the level of 16 to 19 billion cubic meters, consumption – from 21 to 24 billion cubic meters.

“Accordingly, we will import part of the gas. We have the capacity for this. Agreements with our neighbors in the West, we also have,” he said.

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