Home » Funeral Festival: where in Russia the most packages from Ukraine return

Funeral Festival: where in Russia the most packages from Ukraine return

by alex

Packets with denazified occupiers continue to arrive in Russia en masse./Photo of the operational command “South”

As of July 26, the Information Resistance group recorded the names of 5,001 Russian occupiers who in Russia itself, they were publicly buried or officially recognized as destroyed.


Bright numbers

I note that this is only what is visible from open Russian sources and is clearly tied to the region. Colleagues counted about 70 more people who were officially recognized as destroyed in Russia, but there are questions about the place of burial.

Funerals are officially recorded in 2,572 settlements. In particular, today the governor of the Sakhalin region, Valery Limarenko, announced the “death during the “special military operation” of 12 fighters of the Russian Guard from the region at once.

This is one of the largest (if not the largest) simultaneous official (!) recognition of losses in the regions from February 24. Usually they recognize 1-5 times.Moreover, messages are deleted after a while.

In total, 47 people have already been killed from Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. fascists are a mystery.

Considering 1) the “missing” and 2) those buried non-publicly (the ratio in the regions differs significantly, 3-7 times more are secretly buried than openly), even according to the most conservative estimates, the irretrievable losses of Russian troops amount to 25,000 people.

If we add to this the residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and all sorts of mercenaries (they simply do not count), we can estimate the number of people killed by Putin from the other side.

Record-breaking regions

Leading in the number of officially recognized corpses:

  • Republic of Dagestan – 251;
  • Buryatia – 215;
  • Krasnodar Territory – 179;
  • Bashkortostan – 165;
  • Volgograd Region – 155 ;
  • Chechnya – 131;
  • Transbaikalia – 126;
  • Orenburg region – 128;
  • Chelyabinsk region – 117;
  • Rostov Region – 110;
  • North Ossetia – 113;
  • Saratov Region – 106;
  • Altai Territory – 105;
  • < li>Perm region – 105;

  • Tatarstan – 103;
  • Sverdlovsk region – 103.

For comparison:

  • Moscow – 15;
  • St. Petersburg – 34;
  • Sevastopol – 50.

There are several cities that balance around marks 50 – Ulan-Ude, Kostroma, Ryazan, Volgograd, Pskov … Total: 16 regions have already recognized more than 100 dead, but Moscow still practically does not fight.

Collect the Kremlin's reserves are getting more and more difficult. Therefore, most often there are signals about mercenaries from Central Asia. Probably, they will try to recruit Belarusians.

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