Home » FSB Director Bortnikov and 20 other Russian generals received suspicions: what is known

FSB Director Bortnikov and 20 other Russian generals received suspicions: what is known

by alex

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) reported suspicions to the director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bortnikov, of organizing the commission of treason by the former leadership of the SBU.

As the SBI press service reported, we are talking about inciting national enmity and hatred in Ukraine and illegally obstructing protests during the Revolution of Dignity.

Suspicion of Bortnikov and 20 other FSB generals: details

20 high-ranking officials of the Russian intelligence services were also informed of suspicions. Among them: Director of the Federal Service of the Russian Guard Viktor Zolotov and other FSB generals.

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— Bureau investigators, with the assistance of the SBU, collected evidence of the subversive activities of the Russian intelligence service and personally the head of the FSB of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. It was established that Bortnikov developed a criminal plan to suppress protest actions of Ukrainians in 2013-2014 in order to preserve the then ruling regime in Ukraine. The ultimate goal was the further annexation of part of the territory of Ukraine under the pretext of allegedly “civil confrontation”, — the message says.

The SBI noted that one of the key tasks of the FSB of the Russian Federation was to prevent Ukraine from European integration processes and membership in the NATO collective security treaty, since this threatened the aggressive plans of the Russian Federation in restoring the union state and absorbing the former Soviet republics into its composition.

— The refusal of the top leadership of Ukraine from European integration was planned in advance by Russia, therefore measures were taken in advance to prevent protests and scenarios were developed for their forceful dispersal, — the message says.

It is noted that for this purpose, the then Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev came to Ukraine in October 2013 with instructions to the leadership of the National Security and Defense Council, including ex-Deputy Secretary Vladimir Sivkovich. The parties discussed dispersing potential protests with maximum brutality and using excessive force to intimidate other activists.

The investigation established that in order to stop the protests, Bortnikov instructed the then head of the SBU, who also had Russian citizenship, to assist FSB employees in their illegal subversive activities.

After this instruction, the first deputy head of the SBU in November-December 2013 brought subordinate special forces officers to an increased level of alert. The level of terrorist threat was determined as potential”, which essentially equated the protesters to potential terrorists.

The basis for such decisions were false memos from the head of the Department of National Statehood of the SBU about possible terrorist threats from the protesters, agreed upon by the head of the SBU.

In December 2013, the commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, on the instructions of the deputy commander of the internal troops of the Russians, began preparations for the forceful dispersal and execution of activists, for which purpose on December 12, 2013 he sent a letter to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine about the gratuitous transfer of 4 million rounds of ammunition, 100 thousand VOG-25 grenade launcher rounds, other military equipment.

In addition, at the direction of Bortnikov and at the invitation of the former head of the SBU, a group of 20 employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation arrived in Kyiv on December 13, 2013, who instructed Ukrainian law enforcement officers in countering Euromaidan.

On the instructions of the FSB of the Russian Federation, which was then supported by the leadership of the SBU, Ukrainian law enforcement officers collected video recordings that provoked social conflicts between the participants of the Maidan and its opponents. The materials were published on the Internet on a specially created YouTube channel and reports on the work done were sent to the FSB.

The former head of the SBU and the head of the DZNG Service went over to the side of the enemy in 2022, and therefore the SBU brought them to trial for treason under martial law.

They also took leadership “positions” in the illegally created security agencies in the partially occupied Russian Federation territories of Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, their actions by SBI investigators are additionally qualified under Part 7 of Art. 111-1 UKU.

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