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From “triumph” to surrender

by alex

Publication author

Blog Andrey Piontkovsky

The second year of the new world chronology has begun. The scale of events that have already taken place and the prospects for us in the coming year cannot be assessed without understanding the logic of thinking and behavior of an extremely narrow group of people (Kovalchuks, Putin, Patrushev), who seized absolute power in Russia. Read more in the exclusive blog for Channel 24 website.

This “mobilization group” has long been calculated, analyzed in detail and presented to the world by three people – Alexei Venediktov, Valery Solovey and your obedient servant. Let me remind you of some of our well-known texts.

year 2014

In his famous Crimean (Sudet) speech, Vladimir Putin embodied the vague collective geopolitical complexes and phantoms of the Russian political “elite” into clear concepts: “a disunited people”, “gathering ancestral lands”, “Russian World”, student copying the stereotypes of German foreign policy 30- th years of the last century.

Thus was formulated the agenda of the fourth world war. And this is not an agenda for maintaining the status quo. Even the most modest version of the practical implementation of the ambitious idea of “gathering primordial Russian lands” will require changing the state borders of at least two NATO member countries – Latvia and Estonia. And what tools, besides its famous “spirituality”, could be used for a successful confrontation with the NATO bloc and the annexation of the territories of its member countries by a state that is many times inferior to NATO as a whole in terms of economic development, scientific and technological level, and the potential of conventional armed forces?

Only nuclear weapons. But, you ask, is it not common knowledge that in the field of nuclear weapons, Russia and the United States, just like half a century ago, are in a stalemate of the doctrine of mutually assured destruction. And, consequently, the nuclear factor can be excluded from strategic calculations. The fact is that this is not entirely true, or rather, not at all.

In an acute geopolitical situation, a nuclear power focused on changing the status quo, possessing a superior political will for such a change, great indifference to the value of human lives and a certain amount of adventurism, can achieve serious foreign policy results with just the threat of using nuclear weapons.

After all, nuclear strategy is not a dry mathematical analysis of scenarios for the exchange of blows, but in many respects a dramatic psychological duel. Putin's World War Four agenda does not aim at the physical destruction of the hated US, which could indeed be achieved today only at the cost of mutual suicide in a full-scale nuclear war.

This agenda is much more modest so far: the maximum expansion of the “Russian world”, the collapse of the NATO bloc, the discrediting and humiliation of the United States as a guarantor of the security of the West. In general, this is a revenge for the defeat of the USSR in the third (cold) world war, just as the second world war was for Hitler an attempt at revenge for the defeat of Germany in the first.

Putin has long watched his Western partners and deeply despises them. And how else to treat them if the chancellors and prime ministers of great Europe line up to serve as lackeys at his gas stations for a miserable reward of 2 million euros a year? Or after Putin and Assad, together with Assad, with one chemical blow, scammed all Western leaders as suckers, completely changing the agenda of the Syrian crisis, instantly turning Assad in the eyes of the world community from the executioner of his people into a respectable statesman engaged in the noble cause of chemical disarmament.

Putin then miscalculated Barack Obama with his red lines and believes that he miscalculated his former G8 partners today. He is convinced that he will outmaneuver them in potential military conflicts that will arise on the way to realizing his great idea of the “Russian world”, despite the fact that Russia is far inferior to NATO in the field of conventional weapons and does not surpass the United States in the nuclear sphere.

He will play with them not nuclear chess, but nuclear poker, raising the stakes, and at a critical moment they will falter and retreat. If Comrade Kim Jong Ying, even with just one bucket of nuclear slop, makes the entire “civilized world” dance around him, then what is Mr. Crimean Put Ying, who has a huge nuclear arsenal, capable of doing with this world?

Putin's ability with one Hitler's question “Are you ready to die for Narva?” to put the entire West before an unthinkable choice – a humiliating surrender and withdrawal from world history, or a nuclear war with a person who is in another reality – has been discussed in recent months in many world think tanks. I took part in some of these discussions. I can say that the West does not yet have its adequate solution.

The chance to humiliate and trample the West with a single clash of wills, showing its confusion, indecision and helplessness, despite all its colossal economic and military superiority, is so attractive and promises such dizzying geopolitical dividends that it is unlikely that the under-fuhrer of the under-empire will be able to avoid temptation.


On August 4, 2016, we had a unique opportunity to listen, if not to the hero of our story, then to his avatar. With the title of his interview to the Polish media “Putin is my president”, the interlocutor of the all-good ones raised the bar to the maximum and informed us that Russian President Putin would speak through him. In my opinion, Venediktov brilliantly coped with the stated task. Its president speaks frankly and with great conviction:

“We want to return the international order, which was based on the agreements of Yalta and Potsdam. Poland is the springboard of the North Atlantic Alliance, which it uses for aggressive actions against Russia. However, I believe that the Poles may not be afraid of Russian tanks. If someone it is worth fearing that the Baltic countries. Our main idea is to protect the “Russian world”, but in Poland it does not exist. It exists in Ukraine, it exists in Georgia, but not in Poland. There will be no direct clash between Poland and Russia.”

“Calmened”, but, nevertheless, somewhat dumbfounded by talk about tanks, the Polish journalist tries to ask the great man a timid question: “However, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are NATO members, and according to the content of the Washington Treaty …”

But Putin-Venediktov decisively interrupts him with a knockout counter-question from Adolf Hitler: “Are you ready to die for Danzig? Is that what they said in 1939?”

This small but extremely concentrated performance of the “triumph of Putin's will” in the most authentic performance of AAV tells us a lot – both about the state of consciousness and about the strategic plans of a person living in another reality.

Despite the harsh declaration of the July NATO summit and the planned deployment of four NATO battalions in the Baltics and Poland, Putin, like Hitler in 1939, is firmly convinced that the well-fed “hedonistic decadent” West is not ready to die for the conditional Narva. This is the meaning of the final remark of his avatar, which closed the geopolitical discussion.

Putin has long made no secret of the fact that he pins his hopes exclusively on nuclear weapons, believing that his regime has the qualities that will allow him to outmaneuver the West in a direct clash of wills and make it waver and retreat. “Victory Plan” smelled of strontium.

Our mole, risking a lot, confirmed on August 4, 2016 those truths that many in the West guessed, but were afraid to say out loud. Western politicians must remember this date. Now they have been warned not by the marginal commentator Piontkovsky, but by the trusted interlocutor of the regime's top bosses, witness Venediktov. The West was challenged in foreign policy by a subject squinting like Hitler, armed with a nuclear arsenal and ready to use it.


Now listen to the report of another witness from the gaping peaks of Russian power already from 2018:

“If earlier we looked guessingly, as if through smoked glass, now everything is clear and transparent. Unfortunately, I will say that we are preparing for a large-scale conflict. In my opinion, this is obvious.

The strategic line that has been chosen is the subject of the personal conviction of a group of people who determine Russian policy, and not just one Vladimir Vladimirovich. This is the subject of their personal conviction, even, if you like, faith. Within their picture of the world, this is a global game, a global bet. Russia has now received a unique chance to take revenge for the death of the Soviet Union. That is, you can replay history, and with one roll of the dice, you know?

This is a huge temptation. The elite group that makes decisions has a group internal conviction that it has the highest mission, moreover, of a mystical religious persuasion, yes, to replay world history, and it follows this mission.”

What a wonderful Rembrandt's “Night Watch” – an MRI scan of the sick consciousness of the Russian elite.

If the witness Venediktov literally confirmed the scenario line of the Plan of Victory, calculated by me guessingly through sooty glass, then the witness Nightingale conveyed in his report the metaphysics and esotericism of the criminal intent.

In addition to his most valuable testimonies, Nightingale immortalized Putin's “victory plan” with a brilliant and terrible metaphor – to replay history with a single roll of the dice. One roll of the dice – one nuclear strike (or the threat of such a strike) on one of the European capitals.

December 2021 – February 2022

The power of a dictator is not rational calculations, not ratings, not political alignments, but a certain aura, mystery, mysticism, will, through television channels inseminating the masses and giving them a happy illusion of creative intercourse with the national leader.

The thick-faced deputy minister, proudly puffing out his nostrils from the historical mission entrusted to him, growled to the thirty NATO powers: “Gather your belongings and immediately get out to the Batu-Dzhugashvili line.”

The BD line is the boundary of the maximum advance of the Jochi Ulus to the West, which surprisingly coincided in detail exactly 700 years later. In 2022, “Ulus” was going to go through Ukraine like a knife in a week, a maximum of two, and, having reached the borders of Central Europe in a halo of military triumph, repeat their ultimatum there, waving a vigorous elda for persuasiveness.

Records of three public appearances of Putin on these fateful days have been preserved for history: February 8, February 21, February 24.

Each time he was in an extremely excited euphoric state. February 8 obscenely rude to Ukraine: “Like it, don't like it – be patient, my beauty”; mocked Macron, forcing him to run several times between the plane and the terminal and take some tests. And, finally, at a joint press conference, no longer able to keep the huge, secret and happy within himself, he publicly laid out his “victory plan” for the first time. No, not only over Ukraine, of course, but over the “damned” West as a whole.

“Of course, the potentials of the united NATO organization and Russia are not comparable. We understand, but we also understand that Russia is one of the leading nuclear powers, and even ahead of many in some modern components.”

Nobody asked him about the potentials of NATO and Russia, but Sobchak's former cork maker's soul was irresistibly torn into the geopolitical skies.

On February 21, he pulled out the highest notables of the state to the cameras in order to “consult” with them. To publicly sadistically humiliate them all. Creatures trembling, of course, deserved such treatment. But never before has a triumphant plebeian allowed himself such demonstrative behavior. And, finally, on the morning of February 24, the “ruler of the universe” uttered the most important words suffered by his whole worthless earthly life:

“Now a few important, very important words for those who may be tempted to interfere in ongoing events from the outside. Whoever tries to interfere with us, let alone create threats for our country, for our people, should know that Russia’s response will be “immediate and will lead you to consequences that you have never experienced before in your history. We are ready for any development of events. All the necessary decisions in this regard have been taken. I hope that I will be heard.”

We all survived the great and terrible first year of the new chronology together. Heroic feat of the Ukrainian people. The birth of a new Great Power, which alone, bleeding, defends the free world from the barbarian hordes from the East for a whole year. Systematic heinous crimes against humanity committed by the “second army in the world”. And her forced “gestures of good will”, regroupings and difficult decisions. Hundreds of thousands killed and maimed. Millions of refugees. Thousands of Ukrainian children abducted from their parents.

The pampered West slowly, overcoming the stubborn resistance of Putin's agents and useful bourgeois idiots, is beginning to understand what is now on the scales and what is being done now. And now NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg repeats to the hesitant: “Yes, we pay with money, but the Ukrainians pay with blood. And if they fail and Putin succeeds, we will pay the same price. We will pay with our blood.” If you think about it, it sounds terrible. But this is the best we can hope for today.

It is terrible to imagine what would have happened to the West, to the world, if by the beginning of March Putin had victoriously entered, as he had planned, on the borders of the NATO countries. A year ago, the West, in my opinion, was absolutely not ready for a confrontation with Hitler brandishing a nuclear bomb.

Ukraine has not yet expelled the invaders from its territory, has not yet won its historical centuries-old war for independence. But it has already won a victory for the West in the fourth world war of moral annihilation, declared to the West by Putler. She sent “the second army in the world” to the lower division and taught the West to stop being afraid of Putler and his nuclear blackmail.

This is the main result of the past year.

Putin seeks to make war routine

This year ended with a fireworks display of significant international meetings: the visits of Zelensky and Biden, the EU summit, the Munich security conference. But the most important in this series of events was, in my opinion, the message of the same character to the Federal Assembly on February 21, 2023, underestimated by many.

Putin actually made two important statements during this message, replacing his entire propaganda deck:

  • he recognized the surrender in the 4th World War, declared by him to the West;
  • he announced an indefinite special military operation to save his life.

Indeed, 80% of the text voiced by the military leader of the nation is a remake of the report of the Secretary General of the CPSU of the era of late stagnation. Fields are growing, grain crops are growing, milk yields are growing, modern highways are being laid to Kazan and further to Khabarovsk. Maternity capital is increasing, benefits for large families. Yes, and in the section on the social benefits of developed Putinism, there is one additional cherry on the cake – every six months, distinguished members of the NWO are given a two-week vacation to strengthen the healthy Orthodox family of dad and mom.

It is about the routinization of war. It has no already declared ambitious goals – the conquest of Ukraine, the retreat of NATO to the Batu-Dzhugashvili-Ryabkov line. It becomes an element of sustainable life along with grain harvesting and the construction of highways. It becomes eternal and banal, like the war between Eurasia and Eastasia in Orwell's “1984”. There can be no victory in it, much less a defeat that could threaten the power of the “big brother”. On the contrary, its routine eternity legitimizes the political eternity of “big brother”.

Putin finally realized that Russia had lost the fourth world war he unleashed. Ukraine is superior to the enemy at the conventional level. The motivation of her warriors is infinitely higher. With each new tranche of military aid, the technological advantage of the Ukrainian army is growing. The nuclear blackmail, which the dictator counted on so much, was resolutely rejected by the West, despite all the efforts of a huge bunch of Kremlin agents and useful bourgeois idiots: all these masks, gates, trumps, Francis popes and other evil spirits.

The good Russian people, throughout their heroic history, not only forgave their leaders for any of the most monstrous crimes both against themselves and against other fraternal peoples, but also enthusiastically glorified these maniacs if their crimes led to a “military victory.” But woe to the defeated dictator.

That is why he so dramatically changes the concept of war and his personal goal-setting in it. Now he is desperately fighting for his life. As long as people continue to kill each other daily, he is alive. As soon as they stop, they will certainly kill him. Or some for the crimes against humanity he committed, or others for the fact that he lost the war he declared.

On February 21, he not only sold people the eternal routine “SVO” with holidays every six months. He gave the West two important nuclear assurances:

  1. in no case will I go beyond the scope of the START treaty;
  2. Under no circumstances will I conduct nuclear tests.

For their own cattle, they were camouflaged as the traditional brandishing of a nuclear dick. But for the addressee, the meaning of his message was quite obvious: “I am sane, I refuse nuclear blackmail, I do not threaten you with anything, I just want to survive, without me you will face the unpredictable consequences of Russian unrest in the space of 11 time zones.”

I do not know how the deep Russian people and the collective West will react to the message of a nuclear bankrupt. Options are possible. I am not going to analyze them. Because I know exactly what decision the main victorious power in the fourth world war, Ukraine, will take regarding the character: crush the reptile!

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