Home » From the first days he defended Mariupol: police officer Daniil Safonov died at Azovstal

From the first days he defended Mariupol: police officer Daniil Safonov died at Azovstal

by alex

Danilo Safonov defended Mariupol from the first days of the war/Collage of Channel 24

On Monday, May 2, police officer Daniil Safonov was killed during the shelling of the Azovstal plant. He defended Mariupol from invaders from the first days of Russian aggression.

This was announced by the head of the patrol police of Mariupol Mikhail Vershinin. Now he is also located on the territory of the Azovstal metallurgical plant.

He came under mortar fire

Danilo Safonov died on May 2 at 11.00. Two more Ukrainian fighters also fell with him. All of them performed another combat mission. After returning, the military came under enemy mortar fire.

A good bright young man, did his job. He loved his child very much. This is a great tragedy for everyone. He really believed that he would return to his Donetsk, – said Vershinin

About Danil Safonov

He himself is an migrant from Donetsk. In 2014, the man left in Mariupol. Subsequently, he became a military separate artillery brigade. For three years he fought against the invaders in the ATO. And he joined the ranks of the Patrol Police in 2019.

Earlier in an interview, he explained why Mariupol did not leave. He noted that this is his hometown. And already once he had to leave his parents' house, and he doesn't want to do it again.

What is the situation in Mariupol now

Towards noon, on May 3, it became known that infidels began storm the Azovstal plant. The defenders of the city told about it. Before that, they note, the Russian military bombed the enterprise for several hours.

Also on May 3, 156 people left Mariupol for Zaporozhye. Some of them are those who managed to be evacuated from Azovstal.

At the same time, we note that the removal of the civilian population is not so simple. The mayor of Mariupol, Vadim Boychenko, noted that out of 14 buses, only three managed to reach the territory controlled by Ukraine. The rest were detained in “filtration centers”.

Later it became known that those who had been taken away from Azovstal the day before arrived in Zaporozhye. The evacuation convoy arrived in the city at 16:42. She was met by both relatives and friends, as well as journalists and volunteers. Minister Irina Vereshchuk arrived in Zaporozhye.

Relatives and friends of the military, who are now at the plant, are asking for rescue from Azovstal. They went out to Zaporozhye with posters and calls to save those who are now literally blocked by the occupiers at the enterprise.

Vladimir Zelensky in his evening address stressed that Ukraine needs everything from Azovstal. This is how he commented on the evacuation of the civilian population from the plant, which is attacked daily by the Russian military.

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