Home » From fear closed in the Kremlin: why Putin did not punish anyone for the “attack of the DRG” near Bryansk

From fear closed in the Kremlin: why Putin did not punish anyone for the “attack of the DRG” near Bryansk

by alex

On March 2, an incident occurred in the Bryansk region, which dictator Vladimir Putin called a terrorist attack. However, the case in Russia did not advance further than statements.

This was told to Channel 24 by military expert Yuri Fedorov. According to him, the raid, allegedly carried out by representatives of the Russian Volunteer Corps, came as a surprise to the dictator.

The head of the Kremlin tried to blame Ukraine for the incident in the Bryansk region. Like, this is the work of “Ukrainian saboteurs” who allegedly crossed the border with Russia.

Fedorov noted that there is a certain order in Ukraine, and no one can cross the border just like that, especially armed people. However, according to the military expert, even assuming that Ukraine played a certain role in the events in the border villages of the Bryansk region, it had every right to do so.

“Does Ukraine bear responsibility for this? The question is complex. In my personal opinion, since Ukraine is a victim of aggression, it can respond to this aggression in all available ways ,” Fedorov stressed.

Putin got scared

As the military expert said, the events of March 2 pretty much frightened the Russian dictator.

Out of fear, Putin closed himself in the Kremlin and even urgently canceled his trip to the North Caucasus. He held a meeting with the security forces. It was not even a full security council, but several security officials with whom he discussed the situation,” Fedorov said.

According to him, the head of the Kremlin came to the conclusion that there was a small “failure” in the work of the Russian law enforcement system. Later, the FSB stated that the “saboteurs” had allegedly been forced out of Russia by inflicting a “massive artillery strike” on them. Fedorov noted that it is difficult to say how far this artillery strike hit the target and whether it was even at all.

Yuri Fedorov told the details of the incident in the Bryansk region: watch the video

Why Putin did not punish anyone

However, the reaction of the Russian authorities was limited to this. At the same time, Russian propagandists expected high-profile statements from Putin. For example, the Russian dictator could defiantly punish someone from the authorities for the fact that such a situation happened at all.

However, Putin is afraid to punish his security officials. His whole system is based on the fact that the leaders of the power apparatus are loyal to the dictator. And this loyalty and personal devotion is more important than professional competence and responsibility,” the military expert explained.

He added that it was more important for the head of the Kremlin that the deputy director of the FSB, in charge of the border troops, be personally favorable to him. And the fact that some official had a professional blunder or he shamelessly steals money is of little concern to Putin.

“For a dictator, it is important that power is in the hands of those whom he trusts or whom he has enough compromising material on,” Fedorov said.

An inspiration for Putin's opponents

The military expert noted that the incident in the Bryansk region could well become the “first sign” of a guerrilla war in Russia.

Very important is the fact that the armed people were able to successfully political action. And the regime was unable to prevent this. This will be a great positive impulse for those people who are in Russia and are ready to take up arms against the Putin regime. Fedorov said.

The military expert believes that Putin's opponents will be inspired by the incident in the Bryansk region. After all, this whole story has demonstrated that the regime of the Russian dictator is weak and can be fought against.

The purpose of the fake about the “Ukrainian DRG”: versions

  • On Thursday, March 2, Russia announced that “Ukrainian saboteurs” had entered the border villages in the Bryansk region from the territory of Ukraine. Military expert Oleg Zhdanov emphasized that the Russian FSB is actually behind this incident.
  • People's Deputy of Ukraine Roman Kostenko suggested that this could be a provocation by the Kremlin to limit the rights of Russians
  • Political technologist Boris Tizenhausen said that this situation completely discredits the leadership of the FSB. The beneficiary of such an action could be people inside Russia who are interested in replacing the leadership of the FSB.

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