Home » Freedom is priceless, it should be fought for as long as necessary: ​​the text of Biden's speech in Kyiv

Freedom is priceless, it should be fought for as long as necessary: ​​the text of Biden's speech in Kyiv

by alex

This is the greatest war in Europe in three-quarters of a century. And you win against the expectations of everyone but your own. We are confident that you will continue to win.

Channel 24 publishes the full text of US President Joseph Biden's press conference speech during his visit to Kiev.

Thank you Mr President. You know, a year ago we talked on the phone. It was late at night in Washington, but here in Kyiv it was morning. Russian planes are in the air, tanks are moving across your border. You said that you hear explosions outside the window. I will never forget it. And the world was about to change.

I remember it well. For further I asked you: “What, Mr. President? What can I do for you? How can I be useful?” You said: “Gather world leaders. Ask them to support Ukraine.” Gather world leaders and ask them to support Ukraine. You also said you didn't know when we could talk again.

On that dark night a year ago, the world was literally preparing for the fall of Kyiv… perhaps even the end of Ukraine. It seems that it was much earlier than a year ago. A year later, Kyiv stands. Ukraine stands. Democracy stands. The Americans are with you, the whole world is with you.

I must say that Kyiv won my heart. I came here 6 times as vice president, once as president. In 2009, I came here for the first time as Vice President, then, in 2014, I came here three times after the Revolution of Dignity. In 2015, I came again to address the Council, to talk about the development of a strong democracy. I came back in 2017, just before I left the post of vice president. I knew I would be back, but I wanted to be sure.

Although the election was over and Barack and I had to leave the White House, I decided to go to Kiev again before the new president was sworn in.

Therefore, President Zelensky, it was a great honor for me to meet here in Kiev with your military, intelligence, your diplomatic teams, community leaders who showed courage and helped their country.

It is impressive how in the darkest hour everyone showed courage. Everyone – women, small children – tried to do at least something – pulled people out of their houses after shelling, which I consider a war crime. It's horrible. And the whole world sees it, looks at it. This is the greatest war in Europe in three quarters of a century. And you win against the expectations of everyone but your own.

We are confident that you will continue to win. You know, as I received the first intelligence report in the fall, about a year ago, we were thinking about how to rally the rest of the world. How can I help you with the promise you asked me to make to bring the world together? How to make the world react? Americans, regardless of their political views, decided that they would go ahead. Americans know how important this is.

Indomitable aggression is a threat to us all. We have created a coalition of nations from the Atlantic to the Pacific around the world. More than 50 nations are helping Ukraine defend itself with unprecedented military, economic and humanitarian support. We have united the leading economies of the world, forcing Russia to pay a huge price and put pressure on its economy.

In total, we have pledged about 700 tanks, thousands of armored vehicles, thousands of artillery systems, more than 2 million artillery ammunition, more than 50 of the latest missile systems, anti-ship and air defense systems … We will announce another half a billion dollars in assistance. And that's just for the US.

Today's announcement includes artillery ammunition for HIMARS and howitzers, more Javelins and anti-tank weapons, air surveillance radars to help protect the Ukrainian people from aerial bombardment. Later we will announce additional sanctions against elites and companies trying to evade sanctions and support the Russian war machine And with bipartisan support in Congress this week we will provide billions of direct budgetary support that the government can use immediately to meet the basic needs of citizens.

The price that Ukraine had to pay is extremely high. And the number of victims is very high. We mourn together with the families of those whose lives were taken by a cruel and unjust war. We know that there are very difficult days, weeks and years ahead.

But Russia's goal was to wipe Ukraine off the map. Putin's war of conquest is failing. The Russian military lost half of the occupied territory. Tens of thousands of young talented Russians are fleeing, not wanting to return to Russia. They are not just running away from the army, they are running away from Russia itself. Because they do not see the future in their country. The Russian economy is now isolated and in decline.

Putin believed that Ukraine was weak and the West was divided. As you know – I told you at the beginning, Mr. President – he is counting on the fact that we will not stick together, on the inability of NATO to maintain unity. He expects that we will not be able to attract others to support Ukraine. He thought he could beat us. I don't think he feels the same now. God knows what he's thinking, but it's unlikely. But he was completely wrong. And a year later, the proof of that is here in this room. We stand here together.

Mr. President, I am delighted to be able to pay a return visit after your visit to our country, to Washington.

You recently spoke to Congress : “We are not afraid and no one in the world should be afraid.” You and all Ukrainians, Mr. President, every day remind the world what the word courage means. All sectors of your economy, all spheres of life… This is amazing. It reminds us that freedom is priceless. It should be fought for as long as necessary. And that's how long we will be with you, Mr. President, – as long as it takes.

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