Home » Free gas, fish, live sheep: how the Russian regime “motivates” the families of the mobilized

Free gas, fish, live sheep: how the Russian regime “motivates” the families of the mobilized

by alex

Partial mobilization in Russia continues. And since this time it is extremely difficult to motivate the invaders to war, they are offered all sorts of incentives. For example, free gas or food.

It is interesting that all this is offered not to the most liable for military service, but to their relatives. Like, this will inspire them to send their sons, brothers or men to the front as soon as possible, so that they replenish the statistics of losses.For example, in the Omsk region, families of “mobiks” received a fantastic gift from the authorities. They were promised – we emphasize this word – free gas supply to their homes. As for other regions, the incentives there are not so generous. For example, they want to give out coal, fish, firewood or live sheep to their relatives mobilized. The latter give in proportion: one ram instead of one “mobile”.

The inhabitants of the Omsk region even decided to calm down. Like, everyone can count on compensation, and not just those living below the poverty line.

Living wage criteria will not be considered. We provide this financial support to everyone. The region will cover the costs, – Governor Burkov emphasized.

Sheep are being actively issued

The authorities of Tuva have promised the inhabitants of sheep and coal. So the press service of the republic had already shared its success the day before. Like, 91 rams have already been handed out.That is, 91 Vankas were sent to the front. In addition, the families of “mobiks” were promised 50 kilograms of flour and 2 bags of potatoes. If you really need it, they can give out cabbage.

Yes, human life was hardly exchanged for a supply of food for the winter. But there is nothing surprising here, because they can no longer scatter in Russia. And if earlier it was said about financial incentives, now they call for war with the help of natural products.

The situation on Sakhalin is no better. The families of the mobilized have a chance to receive 5 kg of fish.In total, about 9 tons of fresh-frozen fish were allocated to the region: flounder, pollock and chum salmon. That is, they plan to send about 1,800 fighters from there to the front.

The Buryats, who have never seen toilet bowls and washing machines, were promised firewood. Residents of urban areas and nearby areas can count on 10 cubic meters, but those living closer to the Far North – 20 cubic meters. But there is one “but”. Suitable “handouts” can only be received by those in need, and nothing else.

It is interesting that in Russia it was not only the authorities who decided to motivate the mobilized. For example, in Kurgan, the “Horns and Hooves” store has a nice gift for “mobiks”. They are given a whole kilogram of smoked lard on their way. It is possible that this piece can protect much more effectively when compared with Russian armor.

Recall that the day before, an intercepted occupier talk. In it, he complained that he had to deal with staffing at his own expense. Like, you provide for yourself, and you will die at the front at your own expense.

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