Home » France, if desired, can give part of the South to Russia – the mayor of Melitopol responded to Macron's statements

France, if desired, can give part of the South to Russia – the mayor of Melitopol responded to Macron's statements

by alex

Fedorov answered Macron to his statements to give back part of the territory/Collage of Channel 24

Recently, some European leaders have been calling Ukraine for peace on any terms. They are even suggesting or hinting at sacrificing some territories.

One of these Western politicians is French President Emmanuel Macron, who is visiting Ukraine today, June 16. Macron responded to such statements by the mayor of the temporarily occupied Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov.

The mayor of Melitopol condemns such statements

Fedorov said that he did not understand such statements and why Ukraine should give up part of its territory.

Ukraine will not go to Russia. If Macron wants to make an exchange, we can make an exchange. We can exchange part of the South of France for part of the South of Ukraine,” Fedorov said decisively.

The mayor of Melitopol also assured that the only acceptable outcome of the war was Ukraine's return to the 1991 borders. We are talking about the de-occupation of the entire territory occupied by Russian troops and its intermediaries since 2014. Fedorov is convinced that now we must do everything possible to make our victory closer every day.

How the authorities comment on Macron's statements

The Office of the President of Ukraine denied the information that Emmanuel Macron insists on concessions from our state.

In May, the Élysée Palace also stated that the French leader does not seek any territorial concessions and has always said that the terms of negotiations with the Russians should be decided by the Ukrainians.

Nevertheless, Macron publicly reports that he is in touch with the Russian president Vladimir Putin. He often calls him on the phone.

Macron in Ukraine

  • Emmanuel Macron, along with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, arrived in Kyiv on June 16. They were eventually joined by the president of neighboring Romania. Dear guests of Ukrzaliznytsya have arrived. I plan to meet with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. Also, they thus pursue the goal of showing support and solidarity with Ukraine.
  • Upon arrival, the leaders of European countries went to Irpin to see the consequences of the “Russian world” with their own eyes. According to the French journalist, the politicians were taken to houses destroyed by the military of the aggressor country. Therefore, they got the opportunity to see firsthand what the military left behind, to whom Vladimir Putin gave criminal orders directly.
  • Macron also said that he wanted to express “his admiration and respect for the Ukrainian people” by going to Irpin . Thus, the President of France, Olaf Scholz and Mario Draghi, surrounded by several teams of security guards, military and journalists, walked through the streets of the city, where 75% of the buildings were damaged as a result of the invasion of Russian troops. Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak informed that the main issues of the meeting would be food security, weapons and support for Ukraine.

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