Home ยป Fought against Ukraine: Deputy Commander of the 18th Army of the Russian Federation died from wounds

Fought against Ukraine: Deputy Commander of the 18th Army of the Russian Federation died from wounds

by alex

In a hospital in temporarily occupied Sevastopol on February 14, the deputy commander of the 18th Army of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Colonel Magomedali Magomedzhanov, died from injuries received as a result of military operations against Ukraine.

This was reported by the Public Chamber of Dagestan.

— Last Wednesday, in a hospital in the city of Sevastopol, guard colonel, commander of the 61st separate Kirkenes Red Banner Marine Brigade of the Northern Fleet, a native of the village of Khlut, Rutulsky district of Dagestan, Magomedali Magomedzhanov, died from wounds received during the fighting. At “SVO” he held the position of deputy commander of the 18th Army, — says the message.

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Magomedzhanov participated in four operations.

Previously, he was the commander of the 77th separate brigade in the 177th separate marine regiment of the Red Banner Caspian Flotilla.

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for the 725th day.

The situation in cities can be monitored on the interactive map of military operations in Ukraine.

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