Home » Fortifications and increased attention: what is happening on the border with Moldova

Fortifications and increased attention: what is happening on the border with Moldova

by alex

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, our Defense Forces have strengthened the direction near Transnistria. After all, this is the territory where the Russian armed forces have been located since 1992.

Speaker of the State Border Service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko spoke on the air of the telethon about the current situation on the borders with Moldova. According to him, Ukraine is still strengthening this direction.

What happens on the border with Moldova

There is not only a strengthening of control, but also the construction of engineering and fortification structures, – Andrey Demchenko said.

According to him, both the border with Moldova in the direction of Pridnestrovie, and the border with Belarus, as well as the border with Russia, Ukraine pays great attention. After all, the invaders, if necessary, can resort to provocations at any time.

What is known about the situation with Moldova: briefly

  • Volodymyr Zelensky said that Russia plans to open a second front in Transnistria and can use the Chisinau airport to overturn troops and stage a coup d'état in the country.
  • The President of Ukraine spoke about this on February 9 in Brussels at the EU summit. Moldovan leader Maia Sandu said she received information about the rebellion plans from Vladimir Zelensky.
  • Subsequently, the Kremlin accused Ukraine of planning to stage an “armed provocation” in Transnistria. Instead, the Moldovan Ministry of Defense denied Russia's statements about this and noted that so far there are no serious threats.
  • ISW analysts said that on February 22, Putin revived his imperialist narrative that Russia is fighting for “historical borders.” The Kremlin can use it to justify aggression against almost any of Russia's neighbors and against Moldova or Central Asian states that do not have a common border with the aggressor country. After all, these countries have territories that once belonged to either the Soviet Union or the Russian Empire.

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