Home » Forget about the war will not work

Forget about the war will not work

by alex

< /p>Russian barbarians bring pain, suffering and death/Getty Images

Tired of war? Understand. It's really very hard. And that is why some today are trying to hide from the war and return to the pre-war type of life. But that won't work. This is just an attempt to escape from reality, an attempt to form a soap bubble – the illusion of a peaceful life, in which the war is taken out of the brackets and returned to the usual everyday rituals.

Yes, this is an absolutely natural reaction of the psyche – to regain control over one's own life after the stress experienced. But this is a classic self-deception. Dangerous psychological trap. Because nothing is over.

War of annihilation

Let me remind you one thing. The war continues throughout the country. Russia is not interested in certain areas. Russia is interested in the complete capture of Ukraine, including Kyiv, the overthrow of statehood and the revival of the quasi-USSR. Read it again.

For Russia, any price is acceptable and there are no red lines. On February 24, they already had a plan to kill tens of thousands of people, they brought mobile crematoria and prepared regulatory documents for mass graves.

They publicly stated that they planned to “denazify” – that is, kill – two million Ukrainian citizens .

Russian barbarians bring pain, suffering and death in every settlement. They destroy entire cities – houses, schools, kindergartens, kill hundreds of families with children. That is, tens of thousands of people are under attack.

Russian soldiers rape women, kill men with their hands tied behind their backs, and rob houses. Russian missiles hit houses indiscriminately.

And Russian troops have not disappeared anywhere. Today they are furiously destroying our east, and also intimidating our south with cellars.

Accept reality

If society allows you to forget about the war and ceases to be an effective rear for the army, they will continue to do so.< /p>

Today you forgot about the war, and tomorrow a corpse will reappear somewhere, lying on the pavement with your hands tied. Therefore, there is no need to run away from reality, but you need to accept it and learn to live in a permanent state of war – following the example of Israel.

There is nothing wrong with continuing to live. Did you go to a cafe or a movie? Did you take your child to the park? Have you got new cookware for your home? Our defenders are fighting so that Ukraine can continue to live.

But, continuing to live, do not forget to ask yourself a question every day: what have I done today for our defenders and for future victory? And if suddenly you don’t have an answer, it’s time to change something.

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