Home » For Putin, Shoigu and others – Malyuska commented on the creation of a special tribunal

For Putin, Shoigu and others – Malyuska commented on the creation of a special tribunal

by alex

A tribunal will be created in Ukraine where Putin and Shoigu will be tried/Getty Images

Volodymyr Zelensky supported the initiative to create a special tribunal to consider Russia's aggression. There is more than enough evidence that Russia has committed aggression against Ukraine.

The Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denys Malyuska spoke about this on Channel 24.

The Ukrainian side, first of all , those who are the organizers of the tragedy in Ukraine are interesting, and then its perpetrators, as the minister noted.

This tribunal will be directed at top Russian officials. Putin, his inner circle, Shoigu and other officials, – explained Malyuska.

According to the head of the Ministry of Justice, it will be quite difficult to hold the Russian command accountable for crimes in Ukraine, because you need to follow the “chain”: from the executor to the one who gave the order, and so on.

“Easier and faster to catch the organizers for the crime of aggression. Who organized the attack on Ukraine is obvious, and these are top officials,” he stressed.

Why it is about the crime of aggression

At the same time, as Malyuska explained, crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide are a complex procedure of a long investigation that will last for years.

As for crimes of aggression – a special tribunal – the only key issue. If you run it to make it work, the verdict will be passed quickly. “Because the commission of the crime of aggression is obvious,” the minister concluded.

Minister of Justice Denis Malyuska on the special tribunal: watch the video

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