Home ยป For damage from the war, – Maluska named one of the key sources of income for compensation

For damage from the war, – Maluska named one of the key sources of income for compensation

by alex

Malyuska spoke about the key source of compensation/Collage 24 channel

The Ukrainian state has already prepared mechanisms for compensating citizens who lost their property as a result of hostilities with Russia. At the same time, there are still certain problems to start such payments.

This was announced to Channel 24 by the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denys Malyuska. He stressed that compensation mechanisms have already been created, and there are several of them at once.

Compensation mechanisms

According to him, now there is a mechanism for submitting applications to the Action application, as well as a mechanism for assessing regional military administrations by special commissions, which have already begun to draw up acts with an assessment and description of damage to human property. That is, they are already actively functioning.

However, the key story is not how to create a payout mechanism, but where to get the money from, – said Malysh.

Key source of payments to Ukrainians

As he noted, since at the current stage Ukraine is fighting with Russia, almost all state budget expenditures are aimed at conducting military operations. In addition, money is also allocated for basic and essential social payments or expenses for maintaining the existence of the state.

Malyuska explained that now our country cannot afford large-scale compensation payments, but only targeted ones. Accordingly, in the short term, the start of issuing such payments is associated with gaining access to Russian assets.

The Russian assets that we will select will be used for compensation. That is, this is one of the key sources of income for payments to Ukrainian citizens and our businesses for damages from the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine,โ€ Malysh noted.

He emphasized that there is a direct causal relationship in such a decision. At the same time, he stressed that as soon as Ukraine receives Russian assets, compensation mechanisms will immediately begin to work.

An additional source of compensation

The Minister also spoke about another source of compensation payments to our citizens. According to him, this will be state budget revenues, as well as assistance from international partners. However, he stressed that it will come no faster than after the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

“That is, when the economy recovers and there is additional money from international partners to those that we will need to maintain a stable situation,” Malyuska summed up.

The kid spoke about the key source of income for compensation: watch the video

The position of the heads of state on collecting money from Russia

  • President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that Russia must receive an answer to everything that has been done in Ukraine since 2014. He stressed that there are three important steps that Ukraine must take – the liberation of the territories, the prosecution of all war criminals and the recovery of compensation from the aggressor state.
  • He stressed that our government is already actively working on to make this possible. The President noted that Russia must pay for every burned house, destroyed school or hospital, and for all other destruction that they committed on our soil.
  • Polish President Andrzej Duda said that after Ukraine's victory over Russia, the state the aggressor is obliged to pay us an indemnity. He believes that the international community will force Moscow to do it.

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