Home » For “critical needs”: the United States allocates more than 10 billion dollars to Ukraine

For “critical needs”: the United States allocates more than 10 billion dollars to Ukraine

by alex

Washington has announced more than $10 billion in aid to our nation. It is known that this money will be used to restore the energy infrastructure, support people affected by the war and other needs.

On the anniversary of the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of our state – that is, February 24 – it became known that the US Government, together with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Treasury Department, will provide Ukraine with assistance in the amount of 10 billion US dollars.

< h2 class="news-subtitle cke-markup">The initiative was supported by both parties in Parliament

Note that this decision was made possible thanks to the support of both Republicans and Democrats in Congress.

These funds are extremely important for Ukraine as it defends itself against Russia. The support ensures that the Ukrainian government can continue to meet the critical needs of its citizens, in particular in the sectors of health, education and emergency services, the official statement says.

At the same time, it indicates that the economic US aid has helped rally other nations—Japan, Canada, and the UK—and reassure them that our nation desperately needs financial support.

Pay attention!The US government is working with Congress to provide Ukraine with an additional $250 million to help repair the power grid. We also mention that over the past year, Washington has already allocated about $270 million for these needs.

It is also necessary to focus on the lines from the official statement of the US government, which say that the United States remains committed to supporting Ukraine. Actually, to help our state, Washington will only strengthen cooperation with partners.

Military assistance from the West: latest news

  • February 24 2023, the first four Polish Leopard 2 tanks arrived in Ukraine. This was stated by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
  • In addition, on the anniversary of the start of a full-scale invasion, the US Pentagon announced a large package of military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of about $ 2 billion.
  • Also, the Prime Minister Canadian Minister Justin Trudeau said that his country would give Ukraine 4 more Leopard tanks.

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