Home » For a place in paradise: the scandalous priest of the Russian Orthodox Church urged Russians to die in Ukraine

For a place in paradise: the scandalous priest of the Russian Orthodox Church urged Russians to die in Ukraine

by alex

A priest-propagandist who fled to Russia after 2014 stood out with yet another scandalous statement. He called on Russians to die with weapons in their hands in the war in Ukraine, and not “under the table in their own vomit.”

This is reported byChannel 24. Video with the statements of the clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church is distributed on the network.

“Lord, have mercy, and the soul went to heaven”: the priest advises the occupiers to pray and die

The ROC priest Andrei Tkachev, known for his Ukrainian-phobic sentiments, spoke emotionally about the war in Ukraine. According to his propaganda idea, dying at the front is “the best of deaths.”

People die like pigs: they choke on vomit, they ate and drank, they fell under the tables, they “burped” and choked on vomit, that's death for you. Or “youngsters-hooks”, 3000 volts “shocked” him, he fell charred on the rails, – Tkachev tries to argue his nonsense.

The priest convinces the parishioners that it is much better to become “cannon fodder”. Just be sure to pray before death and then you will definitely go directly to heaven. Note that the propagandist does not consider options in order to survive.

The propagandist priest tells that you need to die at the front: watch the video

What is known about Andrei Tkachev

  • The traitor was born in Lvov, lived in Kyiv for a long time. After the events of 2014 began, he fled to Moscow.
  • During the Revolution of Dignity, Tkachev cursed the protesters. The priest turned out to be an ardent Ukrainophobe.
  • In Russia, Tkachev continues his propaganda activities. Claims that Ukraine is “a bloodthirsty demon whose existence is meaningless.” In addition, he praises Ramzan Kadyrov for the bloodshed in Ukraine.

Patriarch Kirill asks the Kremlin to release priests from mobilization

From the first days Invasion of the ROC approves of the top leadership and promotes the killing of Ukrainians. At the same time, Patriarch Kirill asked the authorities not to mobilize priests.

This was reported at the Institute for the Study of War. They add that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is asking Putin to legislate this provision for the clergy.

Kirill's request only proves the hypocrisy and insincerity of the propagandists' statements. As well as their true attitude to the war in Ukraine.

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