Home » Filtration camps near Mariupol: the mayor of the city revealed details about the crimes of the occupiers

Filtration camps near Mariupol: the mayor of the city revealed details about the crimes of the occupiers

by alex

Russian occupiers force people to go through the so-called “filtration”/Getty Images

After Russian troops blocked Mariupol, it became almost impossible to leave the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities.

The remaining residents of the city are forcibly forced to undergo the so-called “filtration”. The mayor of Mariupol Vadim Boychenko told this exclusively to the Channel 24 website.

“Russian occupiers mock people who leave”

The Mayor of Mariupol specified that four filtration camps were deployed around Mariupol, in which people are kept before being deported to Russia. The occupiers have certain lists that they “check”.

People live there without certain conditions, they are not fed and are regularly tortured. In particular, one of the leaders of the enterprise, together with his wife and small child, was forcibly deported towards Russia. The occupiers learned that the family has an older daughter who works in law enforcement.

They saw this and said: “You raised a Nazi and we are taking this child of yours so that you do not raise another Nazi.” They took her away, but her father threw himself into the fray. The Russians beat him badly and only later gave away this daughter,” Boychenko said.

Russian invaders mock people who leave the city. That is, if they want to go to Ukraine, it is almost impossible. And if you are a government employee or a municipal employee, then you will be treated very badly.

 Filtration camps near Mariupol: the mayor of the city revealed details about the crimes of the invaders

Vadim Boichenko/Photo by Valentina Polishchuk, Channel 24

Chapter Mariupol said that “in a small village near the city there was a village head who refused to work with the collaborative force called the Opposition Platform for Life, these bastards who went over to the other side and proclaimed themselves to be in power.”

Recently, he has already been sentenced in a pseudo-republic in the temporarily occupied territory of Donbass, and he received ten years in prison. There is an example with a husband and wife who worked as law enforcement officers. They were taken away, and the child was left with his grandmother.

What happens during the “filtering” of Ukrainians

According to the ex-commissioner for human rights of the Verkhovna Rada, Lyudmila Denisova, the occupiers are carrying out a “cleansing” of Ukrainians. They check all documents, mobile phones, personal belongings. They take fingerprints and take photographs.

Russians ask Mariupol residents if they are “Nazis”, if they have relatives in Ukraine, and so on. After “filtering” people are given a special piece of paper. However, the fate of those Ukrainians who did not pass the Russian “filtering” is unknown.

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