Home » Fighting on Russian territory: volunteers voiced enemy losses

Fighting on Russian territory: volunteers voiced enemy losses

by alex

The “Freedom of Russia” legion spoke about the losses that volunteers inflicted on the Russian army/Collage of Channel 24 (Photo by Shutterstock, “Freedom of Russia” legion)

The raids of Russian volunteers continue. Thus, a fighter of the Legion “Freedom of Russia” Alexey Baranovsky spoke about the losses the volunteers inflicted on the Russian army.

Earlier, Estonian intelligence reported, that the pace of advance of the occupying troops slowed down. They noted that raids by Russian resistance in the borderlands of the Kursk and Belgorod regions forced the Russian authorities to respond to the situation.

What are the losses among the Russian army

A fighter of the “Freedom of Russia” legion, Alexei Baranovsky, was asked if they had information about enemy losses. He was also asked how many soldiers of the occupation army were wounded or eliminated.

According to Baranovsky, at least we are talking about two dozen dead and wounded. However, as he noted, there is no exact figure yet. But in order to calculate this, you need a certain time, it is not always enough for analysis,” noted Baranovsky. data will be provided gradually.

The importance of raids on Russian territory: the opinion of a military expert

< p>The features of the raid of Russian volunteers were analyzed for Channel 24 by a military expert, reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Petr Chernik.

The military expert said that if they have artillery, and not only small arms, then this is already quite a good combat potential. The expert recalled that mortars can operate at a distance of 3 to 8 kilometers.

“This means that at this moment a small bridgehead has been created there. The larger it will be and most importantly extended in time, the better for us,” noted Petr Chernik.

According to him, if at least several hundred volunteers came, then in order to provide them with full resistance requires at least three times, or even four times more strength. That is, if there are 500 of them, then on the opposite side you need at least one and a half thousand. And this, as Chernik noted, is 2 full-fledged battalion tactical groups. So, these rather powerful forces need to be pulled away from the front.

The military man stated that “this is something unprecedented in this war.” He noted that this is the first time the raid has lasted so long. Chernik noted that the longer it lasts, the better.

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