Home » Fico underwent a two-hour operation: details about his condition were revealed in Slovakia

Fico underwent a two-hour operation: details about his condition were revealed in Slovakia

by alex

In Slovakia they talked about the condition of Robert Fico after the assassination attempt/Collage 24 Channel

Recently, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot several times and was hospitalized. As of today, Slovakia reported on the official's condition. . However, doctors noted that the politician’s condition is still quite serious.

What condition is Fico in

Slovak ministers outside the Franklin Delano Roosevelt University Hospital in Banska Bystrica said that on Saturday, May 18, Prime Minister Robert Fico's condition was serious but stable.

At the same time, it is noted that the man accused of attempting to murder a politician appeared in court for the first time. Officials said the two-hour operation, which was carried out on Friday, May 17, showed good results indicating that Fico will recover.

However, his condition is still not satisfactory enough to go to the hospital in Bratislava. AP writes that the Slovak prime minister had dead tissue removed from “numerous gunshot wounds.”

In recent days, several miracles have been performed doctors, nurses and staff of the Roosevelt Hospital, said Defense Minister Robert Kaliniak.

At the same time, Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova said that the operation, which took place on Friday and lasted two hours , contributed to a positive outlook for the Prime Minister's health. According to her, this morning a council of doctors assessed the prime minister’s health condition as stable, but still serious.

How will the government work without Fico

Kalinyak explained what government would look like during Fico's hospitalization.

We agreed that the government would continue to work according to the program he had defined . This means that there will be at least two cabinet meetings next week… Perhaps today in Bratislava we will have more information about other aspects of the functioning of Slovakia at this moment, the minister said.

What is known about this incident

  • On Wednesday, May 15, the Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico was wounded during a shooting near the building where the government meeting was taking place. He was rushed to the hospital. As local media reported, the attacker was aiming specifically at the Prime Minister.
  • As it later became known, Fico was wounded in the chest, stomach and limbs. Fico's condition was described as critical. Doctors immediately began the operation, but it was quite lengthy due to damage to several vital organs at once. He explained his action by saying that he did not agree with the policies of the Fico government. It is interesting to note that investigative journalist Szabolcs Panyi is convinced that Juraj Cintula may have been linked to the pro-Russian paramilitary group Slovenskí Branci.
  • Cintula admitted to police that he had planned the attack several days before incident. He noted that he intended to harm the Prime Minister, but not kill him. The weapon he used had been in his legal possession for over 30 years.

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