Home » “Fence, ditches and crocodiles”: Russia is waiting for global isolation

“Fence, ditches and crocodiles”: Russia is waiting for global isolation

by alex

Vladimir Putin made a statement that is already considered anti-Russian, it spoke of the need to eliminate all “scum” from the territory of Russia. Apparently, they meant people on whom they want to overthrow the blame for the military and political defeats of Russia.

This was told to Channel 24 by a public and political figure from the United States, a deputy from Rock County in Wisconsin Yuri Rashkin. He is convinced that Russia will face isolation similar to that of North Korea.

Rashkin noted that it was obvious even a year ago that defeat on the battlefield would force the bunker dictator to look for the culprits among his own.

There is no justice, there is no law, there is only a search for extreme people, a search for someone who should take the blame. They are looking for a scapegoat, and there are whole herds of such goats in Russia,” the speaker added.

What awaits Russia

If a person for any reason cannot serve at the front, he can be accused of high treason. This process is growing, said Rashkin. Writing denunciations is a national trait of Russians, which is still left over from the Soviet Union.

Rashkin is confident that now Putin should take a closer look at the actions of North Korea and the relationship between it and South Korea. The same “demilitarized zone with a fence, a moat, crocodiles – this is what awaits Russia along the entire border.” In turn, this will also complicate the process for those who want to escape from there.

The question is when YouTube will be turned off, when the borders will be closed, how people will survive in this situation, how they will receive information,” the speaker emphasized.

Rashkin explained what to expect the Russians: watch video

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