Home » Fantastic solution: political scientist explained why Zelensky’s visit to Argentina is so important

Fantastic solution: political scientist explained why Zelensky’s visit to Argentina is so important

by alex

Vladimir Zelensky in South America/Collage 24 Channel

Vladimir Zelensky visited Argentina on a working visit. He attended the inauguration of the new President Javier Miley and held negotiations with the leaders of a number of South American countries.

Head of the Center for Analysis and Strategies, political scientist Igor Chalenko told Channel 24, that with such a visit Ukraine shows that it is at the forefront of global processes. He called Zelensky's arrival in Argentina a fantastic decision.

Why the visit is so important

Ukraine has demonstrated that it can communicate directly with countries in the Global South. Indeed, in addition to negotiations with the newly elected President of Argentina, a number of meetings took place with the leaders of many states.

This foreign visit also became a platform for establishing various contacts. For example, Vladimir Zelensky exchanged views with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who plays a certain role in the issue of our European integration. Such contacts must occur.

Javier Miley once voiced a proposal that Argentina could become a platform for the peace process. I think President Zelensky could discuss this in the context of the Global Peace Summit, which is to be held in the first half of 2024,” the political scientist noted.

Argentina's position today is changing to a more pro-Ukrainian one. This can be seen when looking at the new president's team. Consequently, our state can expect new results, because previously it was believed that Latin America was pessimistic about Ukrainian proposals.

Argentina can become our anchor in terms of influence in the Global South. It should be noted that this country is today reviewing its foreign policy and does not want to participate in international organizations in which Russia is present, Chalenko added.

There have already been political statements on this issue . Next we will probably see political decisions.

In general, the visit was an opportunity to strengthen bilateral ties between Ukraine and Argentina, as well as to show that our state remains a powerful and global player in world politics.

Zelensky’s visit to Argentina: what is known

  • In Buenos Aires on December 10, the inauguration of Argentine President Javier Miley took place. Vladimir Zelensky was invited to the event. During a conversation with the president-elect, Zelensky said that he was counting on Argentina's support. He also told his colleague about the process of implementing the Ukrainian peace formula.
  • While in Argentina, the Ukrainian leader also met with the presidents of Paraguay, Uruguay and Ecuador. He invited them to visit our state and thanked them for their support. The parties discussed the possibility of developing cooperation between the countries.
  • Summing up the visit, Zelensky noted that Latin American countries were able to hear about Ukraine. He added that Ukraine and Argentina are united by the values ​​of freedom, understanding of their identity and the desire to live with dignity.

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