Home » Explosions were heard in occupied Berdyansk at night: the headquarters of the invaders exploded

Explosions were heard in occupied Berdyansk at night: the headquarters of the invaders exploded

by alex

Powerful explosions were heard in temporarily occupied Berdyansk on the night of August 31st. They were heard in several districts of the city.

As it turned out, the headquarters of Russian infidels exploded. They were preparing for a pseudo-referendum.

New “clap” in Berdyansk

According to eyewitnesses, it was especially loud on Nagorny and around March 8. At the same time, no smoke or fire was visible.

By the way, in the area behind the Vinogradny Technical School, an accumulation of military equipment was previously observed. The occupiers have already confirmed the explosions on their propaganda channels.

According to them, on the evening of August 30, an explosion occurred near the building of one of the headquarters of “We are together with Russia” in Berdyansk. There are no victims or injured, the source said.

The headquarters of infidels was blown up in Berdyansk/photo by RIA-Melitopol

What is the current situation in Berdyansk: latest news

In the temporarily occupied territories kafirs have only problems lately. Another trouble happened to them in Berdyansk. Another explosion in the city was reported by local media, according to residents. According to them, he happened at the seized police building. They also said that the quarter was cordoned off by frightened Russian troops. Berdyansk residents say that the explosion was well heard throughout the central part of the city.

Also on August 14, a powerful explosion was reported in Berdyansk. Eyewitnesses saw a lot of smoke. Sergey Bratchuk, speaker of the Odesa OVA, noted that perhaps the spirit of Zmeebaevka Island has finally reached Berdyansk.

“They say that the spirit of Zmeebaevka Island has reached the temporarily occupied Berdyansk. The information is being specified,” Bratchuk said.

In Berdyansk, a super-powerful explosion was heard in the port area: watch the video

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