Home » Execution of Ukrainian soldier in Novogrodovka: why Russia resorts to show killings

Execution of Ukrainian soldier in Novogrodovka: why Russia resorts to show killings

by alex

The head of the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council, Andrey Kovalenko, believes that Russian occupiers are trying to intimidate society with the public execution of a Ukrainian soldier in Novogrodovka, Donetsk region.

Execution of a Ukrainian soldier in Novogrodovka — why is the Russian Federation intimidating

In Novogrodovka, Donetsk region, Russian occupiers executed an unarmed Ukrainian soldier with a sword. According to the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation, such murders are the essence of the Russian mentality.

— It is aimed precisely at intimidation. This is not just happening now. It was four years ago, in fact, it was in all wars in which the Russian Empire participated, even during the 18th century. The key story is that they scare both Ukrainians and Western societies, — Andrey Kovalenko explained on the air of the United News telethon.

According to him, the Russian Federation is trying to intimidate Western society in order to prevent Ukraine from being granted permission to strike with foreign weapons deep into Russian territory.

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— These photos, unfortunately, are being broadcast through large propaganda networks to European countries and the United States. The photos are not being spread from the point of view that Russia has committed a crime. Everyone already knows that they are criminals. But the goal is to make people fear them. This is a traditional Russian psychological trick. If Western society stops being afraid at one moment, then we have already seen certain strong decisions, for example, permission to use Western weapons in the Belgorod region and elsewhere. But not deep into Russia, unfortunately, for now, — he noted.

Andrey Kovalenko noted that Russia resorts to the use of the so-called technique of information alibi, when it also announces strikes allegedly by the Ukrainian side on children's hospitals or other civilian facilities.

— They warn, they say, that Ukraine is ready to do this, if suddenly one of the North Korean missiles or, in the future, one of the Iranian missiles, or the X-101, as was the case with Okhmatdit, falls, then they will have an informational foundation and say that they warned. We have already been through all this more than once, accordingly, here it is simply schizophrenia in the cumulative effect, which Zakharova suffers from directly, — the head of the Central House of Representatives believes.

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Dmytro Lubinets sent letters to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the UN when it became known about the execution of a Ukrainian serviceman in Novogrodovka, Donetsk region.

Казнь украинского военного в Новогродовке: почему РФ прибегает к показательным убийствам

Novogrodovka, Donetsk Oblast, on the Deep State map

In his opinion, the Russians are trying to demoralize Ukrainian society with public executions. However, the ombudsman believes that Ukrainians should become even more determined in the fight against the aggressor.

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