After the interrogation, the Excondition to the presidency of Romania, after the interrogation, showed a gesture similar to the Nazi Yaroslav Pogonchuk < Source _ngContent-Sc185 = "" Min-Width: 621px) And (Max-Width: 1920px) "" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = " amp; w = 768 & h = 432 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < source _ngContent-SC185 = "" Fetchpriority = "High" Media = "(Max-Width: 620px)" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = " amp; w = 480 & h = 270 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < source _ngContent-SC185 = "" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = " ; AMP; W = 1200 & h = 675 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < img _ngContent-SC185 = "Class =" Main-news-photo "src =" " Alt = "The George made a gesture similar to & quot; Nazi greeting & quot;" Title = "The George made a gesture similar to & quot; Nazi greeting & quot;" > < p _ngContent-sc188 = "" appinViewport = "" Class = "News-Annotation" > < Strong _ngContent-SC188 = "~" > former presidential candidate Kelin Georgkeka, known for his ultra-right views, was in the center of the scandal after a multi-hour interrogation in the prosecutor general. After leaving the prosecutor’s office, he made a gesture similar to “Nazi congratulations”. ~ 60 >~ 60 > 62 ~ reports 24 channel with a link to the video of the user @daraactenus in X. ~ 60 >< h2 ~ h2 ~ h2 ~ h2 ~ h2 Class = "News-Subtitle Cke-Markup" > What gesture greeted the George with his fans ~ 60 > interrogation to the George lasted five hours. Immediately after that, he left the Prosecutor General’s building, near whom his supporters were expected by the excondition in Romania, in particular, policies from the ultra -right alliance for the unification of the Romanians and the youth party. ~ 60 >~ 60 > Georgshka decided to say hello to them, and then made a gesture that it was very similar to the gesture, which was very similar to the gesture, which was very similar “Nazi greeting.”
~ 60 >< Strong > George made a gesture that looks like Nazi: see Video
~ 60 > recall that the Romania Prosecutor General Office opened criminal proceedings against the George. He is charged with a number of serious accusations.