Home » Ex-CIA employee said why Kim Jong-un actually cooperated with Putin

Ex-CIA employee said why Kim Jong-un actually cooperated with Putin

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Ex-CIA employee said why Kim Jong-un actually cooperated with Putin Vera Konoval

Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea worried the whole world. In particular, the “comprehensive strategic partnership” agreement signed by the dictators raised many questions.

Isolated North Korea is very happy about such cooperation. However, Russia is not as important to the DPRK as what it has to offer. Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst on North Korea issues, spoke more about this in a conversation with Channel 24.

Why is the DPRK “friendship” with Russia

Kim Jong-un publicly supported Russia's war against Ukraine during Vladimir Putin's visit to Pyongyang. The dictators also signed a memorandum of cooperation. However, for North Korea, “friendship” with Russia is beneficial for only one reason.

For North Korea, the United States is a sworn enemy 1, Kim Jong-un believes that there is not a single country that would be as threatening to the DPRK as the United States. But North Korea is already isolated, so Kim Jong-un needs friends. Russia is obviously also fighting the United States, so it is logical that Kim Jong-un turned to Putin, explained Sue Mi Terry.

So, it is natural that the North Korean dictator is now praises everything his Russian colleague does. After all, now Vladimir Putin has become for Kim Jong-un perhaps the main ally in the fight against the United States.

“Another important country for North Korea is China, because 90% of trade The DPRK falls specifically on the PRC China is a key trading partner, patron and ally of North Korea But from the point of view of Kim Jong-un, there is logic in turning to Putin for help,” – noted the ex-CIA employee.

How the United States reacted to Russia’s cooperation with the DPRK

  • US State Department Speaker Matthew Miller expressed serious concern over Vladimir Putin's threats to provide weapons to Pyongyang. According to him, this will certainly destabilize the Korean Peninsula.
  • The United States promised that any provocative actions on the part of the DPRK, together with its allies, will give a fitting rebuff.

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