Home » Everything I had: Denmark confirmed the transfer of Caesar to Ukraine

Everything I had: Denmark confirmed the transfer of Caesar to Ukraine

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc100="" class="news-annotation">International partners continue to provide arms assistance to Ukraine. So, Denmark confirmed that it had transferred all its Caesar self-propelled guns to our army. We tell how many of them and what preceded this.

The corresponding statement was made by Danish Prime Minister Matte Frederiksen during a joint press conference with Vladimir Zelensky in Odessa, Channel 24 reports. It took place on January 30, when the official arrived in Ukraine.

SPGs have already been delivered to Ukraine

Since the beginning of this war, we have said that we will support Ukraine with what is needed. And I think that in many ways we have proved that we are a true friend of Ukraine. Of course, we discussed tanks today (January 30 – Channel 24). We have just delivered our artillery system, but tanks are also needed,” Frederiksen emphasized.

Recall that earlier Volodymyr Zelensky turned to the Minister of Defense to help accelerate the supply of 19 such installations. Note that exactly so much was on the balance sheet of Denmark. At the same time, we add that it is not known how many such self-propelled guns already exist in our army.

Ukraine also needs tanks

During the press conference, the issue of the transfer of tanks was also discussed. When the head of state was asked about combat vehicles, he carefully redirected the question to Frederiksen.

I have the same question for your prime minister. I hope that in the near future we will be able to receive military equipment,” Zelensky stressed.

Recall that our state asks Denmark to transfer Leopard 2 tanks. This is now possible, because Berlin lifted restrictions on countries owning German tanks. Note that Denmark currently has 44 such tanks.

Let's add thatDenmark is one of 12 countries which, within the framework of Ramstein, agreed to transfer Leopard tanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Together with her, the corresponding decision was announced by Poland, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and others.

Military aid is already on its way

  • Note that the United States has already sent the first batch of Bradley infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine . The cargo, in which more than 60 American infantry fighting vehicles, is already on its way to our state.
  • Norway noted that they should transfer the Leopard 2 to Ukraine as soon as possible. According to the Minister of Defense of Bern Arild Gram, this can happen at the end of March.
  • Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron commented on the possible transfer of fighter jets to Ukraine. According to the President of France, nothing is impossible in this regard. He added that the issue of handing over fighter jets to the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not taboo.
  • In this article, we explained why Russia is in such a hurry with a new offensive. Find out how the determination of international partners who continue to support Ukraine affects this.

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