Home » Everyone on board was killed: a US military plane crashed over the Mediterranean Sea

Everyone on board was killed: a US military plane crashed over the Mediterranean Sea

by alex

On the evening of November 10, five US military personnel were killed in an accident when their plane crashed over the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

The Pentagon reported this.

The crash occurred “during a routine mid-air refueling mission as part of military training,” and everyone on board the aircraft was killed.

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In a short statement, the US European Command (EUCOM) noted that the crash “was purely training related and there are no indications of hostile activity.”

The command did not provide additional details regarding the type of plane that crashed, the military service it belonged to, or the exact location or time of the accident.

US military aircraft and ships in the area immediately began search and rescue efforts and the incident is under investigation.

“Out of respect for the families affected, we will not be releasing further information about the personnel involved at this time.” The causes of the incident during the exercise are currently being clarified. However, we can say for sure that the plane’s flight was purely a training flight and there are no signs of hostile activity,” the statement says.

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