Home » Every Russian pays for the war: the Kremlin decided to finance the invasion at the expense of the outback

Every Russian pays for the war: the Kremlin decided to finance the invasion at the expense of the outback

by alex

Half a billion rubles are taken from Yakutia to support the war against Ukraine/”Informator”

The Russian military-political elite does not experience a shortage of funds to support the war in the active phase, but at the same time does not want to allocate too much from the state budget. Putin's entourage decided to involve the federal republics in financing the aggressive troops as much as possible.

According to Channel 24 sources in the Ukrainian special services, Putin's clique has begun another forced gathering among officials and entrepreneurs “to help Donbass.” In addition, Moscow ordered the most depressed regions to allocate funds “for the restoration” of quasi-republics.

Formally, the Kremlin explains the need to allocate money by creating a system of “patronage” over certain areas of ORDLO.

Subsidized and depressed regions pay for Putin's war

  • In early June, it became known that the allocation of spending “to Donbass” involves the allocation of 500 million rubles from the budget of the Republic of Sakha.
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    • Taking into account the fact that in 2021 alone, the budget deficit of Yakutia amounted to several billion, and this year it will be huge in general, such expenses will be extremely painful for the inhabitants of this outback. After all, instead of financing at least some projects that are critical for Yakutia, Putin actually takes money from the Russians for his “toy”.
    • Similar orders on the forced allocation of funds from the budgets were also received in other republics.
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    • At the same time, of course, no restoration of the Donbass, which the invaders will forcibly resemble, is planned. This money should go exclusively to finance the troops and support the fighting. That is, destruction, not restoration.

    In addition, the Kremlin again sent orders to local administrations in every outback to hold a meeting “in support of residents of quasi-republics.” Every official or civil servant must sign a letter of “voluntary” transfer of money, which will be calculated from their salaries. For example, up to 3 thousand rubles can be taken from an ulus specialist. A hospital cleaning lady is to donate 500 rubles to support Putin's war.

    Whether ordinary residents of the Russian hinterland support such approaches to collecting funds from their already low salaries is a rhetorical question. But no one is going to complain en masse or organize any riots. The Kremlin, in principle, was counting on this, because the position “the slaves will endure everything” is fundamental for Putin and his entourage.

    Every Russian pays for the war

    In fact, the Kremlin criminals have turned Russia into a large concentration camp, where the inhabitants of the hinterland have no rights and prospects. Where to join the army and kill civilians is the only option to pay a communal apartment and be able to buy sugar. Where mothers abandon their children for several million rubles in compensation.

    Every citizen pays for Russia's war against Ukraine, even if he did not vote for Putin and considers himself a liberal oppositionist. Buryats, Yakuts, Chechens and Dagestanis, as well as residents of other regions of the aggressor country, are massively paying with their lives for the idea of ​​capturing a state that is foreign to themselves.

    Those who do not take a direct part in the war support it either by their silence, or paying taxes. At the same time, the amount of money that people will pay one way or another for an attack on Russia will only increase. And this is not at all about reparations and compensation for damage to Ukraine, because in order for Putin to continue to fight, Russia will have to constantly increase spending on the army. At the same time, the Kremlin will maintain a certain standard of living in Moscow and St. Petersburg to the last, which means that the outback will suffer more and more. For this purpose, on June 8, State Duma deputies gave Putin the opportunity to introduce any restrictions in the banking sector. And this means that every citizen of Russia can be left without their own savings. However, this is unlikely to affect the Yakuts and Buryats in any way, because in the depressed regions no one could save at least some amount “for a rainy day” even before the war.

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