Home » Even in Saltovka: in Kharkiv, they massively began to return gas to destroyed houses

Even in Saltovka: in Kharkiv, they massively began to return gas to destroyed houses

by alex

Despite the difficult situation in Kharkiv, gas supply to the houses was resumed/Anna Chernenko, Channel 24

Saltovka microdistrict is the most affected in Kharkiv, because during the active phases of the confrontation with the Russian occupiers near Kharkiv it was constantly shelled.

Anna Chernenko, a correspondent from Kharkiv, spoke exclusively about this to Channel 24. She also noted that, despite all the problems, resumed work is actively continuing and this is noticeable even to the naked eye.

Certain repairs are constantly taking place, the rescuers of the State Emergency Service do not stop their work, the correspondent noted.

Restoration of gas supply in Kharkiv

“I would like to note the work of gas service workers who, on the second day of the war, despite everyone went to calls and carried out repairs, often in unbearable conditions,” says Anna Chernenko.

Even in Saltovka: in Kharkiv they began to massively return gas to destroyed houses

Despite the turbulent situation, the work of rescuers continues constantly/Photo by Anna Chernenko, Channel 24

< p>Explosions and blast waves severely damaged gas pipelines in high-rise buildings, sometimes it seemed that metal could not bend like that, says a correspondent from Kharkov.

At the moment, Kharkiv gas workers have returned gas supply to such affected places as Zhukovsky village, Obriy microdistrict, Kulinichi. Now the active phase of work is underway precisely at Saltovka, – says Anna Chernenko.

“Gas supply has already been returned to 5,000 consumers in this area, another 5,000 are in operation, and while 20,000 are still without gas in their homes” , – the journalist adds.

According to Chernenko, these 20,000 houses that are still without gas are very often those that cannot be restored, unfortunately.

What is known about the latest Russian attacks on the Kharkiv region

  • Russian invaders shelled Kharkiv with cluster munitions. This was reported by Amnesty International, in addition, they noted that such shells are prohibited in the world, as they cause excessive damage and have an indiscriminate effect.
  • significantly powerful bombs and missiles. That is why the destruction that the city is now experiencing is very significant.

  • Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President Oleksiy Arestovich said that the situation in the Kharkiv region has escalated. According to him, the Russian occupiers have thrown operational reserves to the north of the Kharkov region.
  • Arestovich said that fighting continues in the area of ​​Kazachya Lopan, Ternova, in the area of ​​Bayrak and Borshcheva. That is, this is where our defenders are trying to move and counterattack the enemy.

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