Home » Even duct tape won’t fix it: new photo of the damaged BDK Minsk and the submarine

Even duct tape won’t fix it: new photo of the damaged BDK Minsk and the submarine

by alex

A new satellite image of the aftermath of the attack on the dry dock in Sevastopol, released by OSINT investigator Def Mon, indicates that the damaged Russian Project 775 Minsk large landing ship is beyond repair.

— Even flexible flex seal (black waterproof insulating adhesive tape, —Ed.) will not fix this Ropucha (the name of the BDK Minsk according to NATO classification, —Ed. >), — says in the comment.

Even duct tape won’t fix it: a new photo of the damaged BDK Minsk and submarines

Photo: Def Mon

At the same time, he is not sure what damage submarine Rostov-on-Don project 636 Varshavyanka are just as serious.

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— I don't see any damage on the kiloton submarine. Dark dock may be due to moisture. What people thought was a hole could very well be the shadow of the tower. A crane fell on the submarine, so there is likely some damage, — written by Def Mon.

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